Chapter 1 Flashcards
mau gimana lagi?
what can i say?
kemana aja lo?
where you been?
tumben ke sini?
what brings you here?
sudah kuduga
that’s what i figured
gak sesuai sama yang ada di ekspektasi
that’s not how i pictured her
i told you so
kasih tau aku gimana nanti
tell me how it goes
gak segampang itu
it’s not that easy
kamu demam?
do you have a fever?
udah makan?
have you eaten
gimana kamu ngelakuinnya?
how did you do that?
aku canggung di pesta
i get kinda awkward at parties
aku mau mandi
i got to shower
aku rasa begitu
i suppose
aku berhasil ganggu pikiranmu
i’m in your head
liat sendiri
see for yourself
nah gitu
there you go
kalo gitu, cepetan
well, get to it
kalian nonton film apa?
well, what movie did you guys see?
apa salahnya?
what could go wrong?
itu kaya gimana?
what’s it like?
lewat mana?
which way?
kalian berdua baikan?
you guys made up?
i haven’t got all day
biasakanlah dirimu
get used to it
dia nyepuin gue gara-gara gue pulang kerja duluan
she (blew the whistle on me) for leaving work earlier
yaudah, berdiri di sana
go stand over there
kok bisa?
how come?
mau naik apa ke sana?
how to get there?
how weird
aku tau, tapi (yaudahlah)
i knew it, but decided to (let it slide)
aku akan mengantarkanmu pulang
i’ll drive you home
it’s already done
jangan tersinggung
no hard feeling
yaudah, buruan bilang
spit it out
nanti mereka bakalan dateng
they gonna come over
situasi membaik!
things are looking up!
ulangi lagi dong?
what was that again?
kalian selfie di sini?
you guys taking selfies over here?
selama kita sesuai rencana
as long as we just stick to the plan
jangan kelitikin aku
don’t tickle me
dia selalu membual tentang…
he’s always bragging about…
yaudah, ikutin aja
ok, just go with it
selama beberapa hari ke belakang
over the past couple days
mengeluarkan hal buruk dari pikiranku
putting the bad stuff out of my mind
watch out!
ada apa?
what for?
siapa lagi yang tinggal di sini sama kalian?
who else live here with you two?
baiklah, aku paham
i’m all caught up
aku yang punya aturan
i’m in charge of us
kurasa sudah berakhir
feels pretty over to me
mungkin dia menipumu
maybe they’re tricking you
dia menipumu
she faked you out
jadi, kita butuh kamu buat menggali info mereka
so, we need you to help us dig up some dirt on them
itu dia/cukup!
that’s it!
tiga tahun berturut-turut
the last three years in a row
apa yang kamu lakukan?
what have you done?
darimana kamu dapet ide itu?
where do you come up with the stuff?
kenapa seseorang berbohong tentang kita?
why would somebody make up lies about us?
kamu ngerti?
you catching on?
kamu tak dapet dua giliran berurutan
you don’t get two turn in a row
kamu ngancem aku?
are you threatening me?
kaya ga terjadi apa apa
as if nothing happened
apa dia bisa ke sini?
can she get over here?
jangan khawatir
don’t sweat this
tuh duduk di sana
have a seat over there
gimana penampilanku?
how do i look?
gue gemeteran
i’m already shaking
aku bakalan telat dateng
i’m running a bit late
gue lumayan ahli
i’m sort of an expert
aku udah biasa
i’m used to it
tinggal duduk aja di situ
just go sit over there
ayo kita ingat lagi rencananya
let’s just go over the plan again
waktunya tiba
the day has finally arrived
kita harus mencarinya
we supposed to seek
kita harus berhasil
we’ve gotta make it
gimana kalo dia ngenalin gue?
what if he recognize me?
kenapa kamu kesel banget?
why you getting so upset?
kamu mau berantem?
you wanna piece of me?
aku lagi pilek
i have a cold
aku ga bisa nolak
i wouldn’t say no