Chapter 1 Flashcards
Long-Term Care
Care for people who need 24 hours skilled care.
—- is ordered by a doctor and involves a treatment plan.
Skilled care
Skilled Care
A care for people with ongoing conditions.
Other names that can be used in nursing homes is called
- Extended care
- Rehab care
- Longterm care
- Skilled care
The length of stay of people in Long-Term facilities are
Few days, months or longer than six months
The illness that eventually cause death is called
Terminal illness
What kind of Condition or Illness do People Have in Long-Term Facilities?
Terminal and Chronic condition
The illness that lasts long is called
Chronic illness
Chronic conditions are
- Physical disabilities
- heart disease
- Dementia
People who live in Long-Term facilities are called
What care is provided at home
Home health care
Assisted Living Facilities
A care for people with daily tasks.
Adult day service care
For people who are not critically ill but need some help
—- care is for people who need short term and hasty care for injuries.
Acute care
Subacute care
For people who need less care and more care for chronic conditions.
Outpatient care
For people who had treatment already but need short-term skilled care.
—- care is given by specialists, to help improve an illness.
—- care is for people with six or less month to live
Activities of Daily living
This is the personal care given to the residents.
Example of the personal care (ADL)
Bathing Eating Skincare Nail Dressing Drinking Transferring Elimination
When specialized care is offered at Long Term care facilities, the——-
Employees must have a special training
Nonprofit companies or for-profit can own their own long-term care facilities.
Culture Change
To transform services for elders.
Person-centered care
This concludes around the resident and promotes their individual preference, choice, dignity, and interest.
A federal health insurance program, for people aged 65 or older.
What are the parts of Medicare?
- It pays for hospital
- Doctor and other services
- Pays for prescribe medication
For people with low income and disabilities.
What is an essential element of a nursing assistant?
To help residents feed and drink
Nursing assistants are prohibited from inserting or removing tubes, giving tube feeding, or changing the sterile dressing.
—– spend more time with the resident than other care team members.
Nursing assistant
Charting or documenting for a nursing assistant means.
To document crucial information about the resident.
The residents and the family are part of the care team.
What should a nursing assistant do, if he or she sees a resident who need care and is not part of the assignment.
The n.a should still provide care
What is a care team?
The healthcare professionals
The Nursing Assistants must have—- of training, and in many states, training exceeding –hrs.
——- nurse coordinates, manages, and provides skilled nursing care.
—— nurse is a licensed professional graduated from a two-four-year associate/bachelor’s degree nursing program.
—- nurse give medication and treatment.
License practical or vocational
—– nurse has completed one to two years of education and has passed a national licensure examination.
License practical nurse
—– diagnose disease or disability and prescribe treatment.
Medical doctor or physician
——- view a person and develops a treatment plan.
Physical therapist
What are the Goals of Physical Therapist.
- To improve circulation
- To promote healing
- Increase movement
- Reduce pain
- Prevent disabilities
- Regain mobility
Occupational Therapist
Help resident to adapt to their disabilities.
What kind of equipment does occupational therapist use.
Assistive or adaptive device
Speech Language Pathologist
Help resident to improve their speech problems
—— creates a diet to meet the resident special need
Registered dietitian
Medical social worker
They are in control of the residents needs and help them get support services.
—— help plan social activities for residents.
Activities director
Activities director are called —–
Recreation worker or therapist
The chain of command
The line of authority, to make sure the resident gets a proper treatment.
The chain of command protects workers and the organisation from —–
Health care liability means
Been held responsible for harming someone
Will the nursing assistant be blamed for harming a resident doing care mistakenly, if the resident is in the care plan?
If the nursing assistant harms a resident who is not in the care plan mistakenly, will the nurse be liable?
Yes, because the resident is not in the care plan of the nurse
Scope of Practice
The task healthcare workers are allowed to perform, which is permitted by the state.
—– list the task that the health care members must perform.
Care plan
—- is developed to help achieve the goal of care.
Care plan
— is a guide to help the residents be healthy as possible.
Care plan
—- is an action that should be taken every time a situation occur.
A Procedure
A way of doing things
—- explain what form need to complete, when and how often to complete it.
Should a nurse perform care that is not listed or not approved by the nurse.
This has to do with your job.
Outside the job
To behave in a proper manner when working.
N.A Professionalism —-
To follow the care plan, make careful observation and make a report.
Example of a Professional relationship with a Resident
- Politeness
- Avoid discussing personal issue
- Not accepting gifts
- Providing person centered care
- Explaining care before procedure
- Calling a resident by their preferred name
A Professional Relationship with the Health Organization.
- Completing task efficaciously
- Be on time
- Following chain of command
- Follow the job policies and procedure
- Documenting and reporting
Being Compassionate is—
Showing careness, empathy, and understanding
Understanding other people feelings
Sharing in the feelings and difficulties with others
Knowing what is right when dealing with others
Able to observe and report, also follow care plan, and take responsibility of your action.
—- is the knowledge of right or wrong
—- are rules set by the government to ensure safety.
The nursing assistant and all care teams should be guided by —
Code of ethics
OBRA was passed in —- year
Why was OBRA enforced/ implemented
To report poor care and abuse in long term facilities
What Program does OBRA require NA to pass before they can be employed.
Testing program
NA must attend regular in service education, minimum of—- per year to keep their skills updated.
OBRA requires that complete assessments be done on—-
Every resident
List the Residents Rights
- Resident right to life
- Informing residents about their rights
- The right to participate in their own care
- The right to their privacy and confidentiality
- The right to respect and freedom
- The right to protection and possession
- The right to complain
- The right to visit
How do you Protect a Resident Rights
- Knock before entering
- Avoid exposing their whole body
- Avoid gossiping about resident
- Be polite
- Always explain the procedure before performing
- Be truthful when documenting
Why Should NA Set Boundaries With the Resident
It helps support a healthy resident-staff relationship
What is an Abuse
It is an intentional maltreatment, which causes physical, mental or emotional pain or injury to a person
—– is intentional or not that causes harm to a person’s body.
Physical abuse
Psychological Abuse
An emotional harm, caused by intimidating, scaring or treating a person like a child.
Verbal Abuse
The use of spoken or written word to make a person feel bad
—– is forcing a person to perform a sexual act against his or her will.
Sexual abuse
Financial Abuse
Misusing a person assets or possession illegally.
—- refers to threating a person, which leads to harm.
—– is touching a person without their consent.
Domestic violence
An abuse by spouse, partner or family member.
False Imprisonment
Restraining a resident from freedom of movement
Involuntary Seclusion
Separating a resident from others against their will
—- is an abuse of staff, residents or visitor.
Workplace violence
Sexual Harassment
A request of sexual favors/ unwanted touch
Substance Abuse
Coherently using cigarette or alcohol in a way of hurting others or yourself.
Not providing needed care, which leads to physical, mental or emotional hurt to a person
Active Neglect
Purposeful failure not to provide needed care, which lead to harm to a person.
Passive Neglect
Unintentional failure not to provide needed care, which causes physical, mental or emotional harm to a person.
Not providing proper care to a resident, which may lead to an unintended injury to a person.
Malpractice care
A person injured through professional negligence or carelessness.
What should an NA do when seeing another nurse abuse a resident.
The NA should report the situation immediately
The following injury are considered suspicious and should be reported.
- Poisoning a resident
- Teeth mark
- Bruises
- Scars
- Fractures
- Burns
- Swelling of any body part
- Virginal discharge
What are the signs that a resident is abused.
- The resident yells
- Continous pain
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Low self esteem
The signs that shows neglect care.
- Not answering call light
- The body is not clean
- Food is not eaten
- Residents lacking water
- Injury pressure in the body
- Weight loss
The NA must follow ——- when reporting an abuse.
Chain of command
Who is the Ombudsman
They work for the law to advocate for residents
What is the older American act (OAA) requirement
All state should have an ombudsman program
NA must learn to keep residents information confidential.
Why did congress pass the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act? (HIPAA)
To make sure residents health information is kept private and secure.
Protected Health Information (PHI)
Can be used to find a person and relate to its condition.
Example of PHI
Email, social security, address, number, name, and medical record number.
Which set of people should not get the information of a resident.
People who are not directly involved with the resident. Unless the resident offer its consent or if the law permits it.
How to Protect a Resident Privacy.
- Do not discuss a resident in public
- Enter a private room to listen or read any resident message
- Avoid bringing family or friend to meet resident
- Avoid allow people to see the resident document
- Do not share anything about the resident on any social network.
What are the penalties for violating HIPAA regulations?
- 100 dollars to 1.5 million dollars
2. Up to ten years prison sentence
Why is the Resident medical report significant
To determine if a care is given or not.
What are the Guideline in Documenting care
- Document after care is given
- It should be factful
- Draw one line through when make mistake and write it on the next available space
- Use black ink
- Sign your full name
- And document using the 24 hrs military clock
Do not let anyone enter information for you, even if it is convenient?
What do you understand by the minimum data set (MDS)
It is a guideline form in assessing a resident.
NA must complete the MDS for every resident within —- days of admission and again each year.
The MDS for every residents must be reviewed every — months.
Three (3)
A new MDS should be done as follow?
When there is a major change of the resident health condition.
How does NA contribute to the MDS?
By reporting changes of the residents and document correctly.
Incident, what do you understand by it.
It is an unexpected problem that occur in giving care.
An incident report is defined as
A report that document the incident and the response to it.
Example of Incidents
- Falls
- Resident or NA damages stuff
- NA exposed to body fluids
- Injury
- Mistake in the course of care
How to Report an Incident
- Tell what happened
- State facts and not opinion
- Narrate the reaction of the person