Chapter 1 Flashcards
Purposes of Social Work
- Help people solve their problems + cope with their situations.
- Work with systems so people can have better access to the resources + services they need.
- link people with systems so clients have access to resources + opportunities.
The surroundings/conditions in which people or other organisms live + function
Human Behaviour
Involves peoples actions, conduct and responses through life
NASW definition of Social Work
Professional activity of helping individuals, groups + communities enhance / restore capacity for social functioning + create societal conditions favorable to goals.
Generalist social worker
uses wide range of knowledge + skills to help people with an extensive range of problems
CSWE generalist practice
- grounded in liberal arts + person + environment construct.
- uses range of prevention + intervention methods to promote human + social wellbeing.
- applies ethical principles + critical thinking
- incorporate diversity
- advocate for human rights + social + economic justice
- recognize + support
problem solving approach
- identify
- generate possible alternatives
- implement plan
- evaluate effect
- terminate
phases of life span development
infancy and childhood
young and middle adult
later adulthood.
Biological development + theories
physical aspects of life
psychological development theories
- individuals functioning + cognitive thought process
- how people think about themselves, others + the environment around them
social development theories
- interactions with others around them
common life events
related to bio-psycho- social development at certain times of life
Normal development milestones
significant bio, psycho, emotional, intellectual + social points of development that normally occur in a persons life span
Human diversity
vast range of differences among groups, subject to discrimination/oppression if differ from the majority
treating people differently because they belong to some group