Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is the name of the author of Never Split the Difference?
Chris Voss
What is the first thing Chris does when assessing a negotiation instance?
Pause, blink, mindfully lower heart rate
Robert Harris Mnookin is author of what text worth checking out for negotiating?
Bargaining with the Devil: When to Negotiate and when to fight
According to Chris Voss do nerves prior to negotiation ever go away?
How am I supposed to do that?
Well known and powerful follow up
Well known and powerful follow up
How am I supposed to do that?
I’m sorry (name)____ how do I know_____
Solid syntax to deescelate
Solid syntax to deescelate beginning with apologetic
I’m sorry (name)____ how do I know_____
What is the most powerful tool Chris Voss cites in the first chapter
Open ended questions
Another name for open ended questions being used with precision
Calibrated questions
I ask the same 3 to 4 questions until the other person gets worn out
Chris Voss quote from Harvard negotiation class
Human beings are primarily animals following emotions
Ways that negotiation should be perceived
Kidnappers are just businessmen trying to get the best price
Behavioral Economics
Man is an irrational beast. Feeling is the form of thinking
It is self evident that people are neither fully rational or nor completely selfish and their taste is anything but stable
Cognitive Bias