Chapter 1 Flashcards


When can executives be charged with negligence?

A. If they follow the trans-border laws

B. If they do not properly report and prosecute attackers

C. If they properly inform users that they may be monitored

D. If they do not practice due care when protecting resources


D. Executives are held to a certain standard and are expected to act responsibly when running and protecting a company. These standards and expectations equate to the due care concept under the law. Due care means to carry out activities that a reasonable person would be expected to carry out in the same situation. If an executive acts irresponsibly in any way, they can be seen as not practicing due care and be held negligent.

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To better deal with computer crime, several legislative bodies have taken what steps in their strategy?

A. Expanded several privacy laws

B. Broadened the definition of property to include data

C. Required corporations to have computer crime insurance

D. Redefined trans-border issues


B. Many times, what is corrupted, compromised, or taken from a computer is data, so current laws have been updated to include the protection of intangible assets, as in data. Over the years, data and information have become many companies’ most valuable asset, which must be protected by the laws.

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Which factor is the most important item when it comes to ensuring security is successful in an organization?

A. Senior management support

B. Effective controls and implementation methods

C. Updated and relevant security policies and procedures

D. Security awareness by all employees


A. Without senior management’s support, a security program will not receive the necessary attention, funds, resources, and enforcement capabilities.

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Which of the following standards would be most useful to you in ensuring your information security management system follows industry best practices?

A. NIST SP 800-53

B. Six Sigma

C. ISO/IEC 27000 series



C. The ISO/IEC 27000 series is the only option that addresses best practices across the breadth of an ISMS. COSO IC and NIST SP 800-53 both deal with controls, which are a critical but not the only component of an ISMS.

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Which of the following is true about data breaches?

A. They are exceptionally rare.

B. They always involve personally identifiable information (PII).

C. They may trigger legal or regulatory requirements.

D. The United States has no laws pertaining to data breaches.


C. Organizations experiencing a data breach may be required by laws or regulations to take certain actions. For instance, many countries have disclosure requirements that require notification to affected parties and/or regulatory bodies within a specific timeframe.

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When is it acceptable to not take action on an identified risk?

A. Never. Good security addresses and reduces all risks.

B. When political issues prevent this type of risk from being addressed.

C. When the necessary countermeasure is complex.

D. When the cost of the countermeasure outweighs the value of the asset and potential loss.


D. Companies may decide to live with specific risks they are faced with if the cost of trying to protect themselves would be greater than the potential loss if the threat were to become real. Countermeasures are usually complex to a degree, and there are almost always political issues surrounding different risks, but these are not reasons to not implement a countermeasure.

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Which is the most valuable technique when determining if a specific security control should be implemented?

A. Risk analysis

B. Cost/benefit analysis

C. ALE results

D. Identifying the vulnerabilities and threats causing the risk


B. Although the other answers may seem correct, B is the best answer here. This is because a risk analysis is performed to identify risks and come up with suggested countermeasures. The ALE tells the company how much it could lose if a specific threat became real. The ALE value will go into the cost/benefit analysis, but the ALE does not address the cost of the countermeasure and the benefit of a countermeasure. All the data captured in answers A, C, and D is inserted into a cost/benefit analysis.

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Which best describes the purpose of the ALE calculation?

A. Quantifies the security level of the environment

B. Estimates the loss possible for a countermeasure

C. Quantifies the cost/benefit result

D. Estimates the loss potential of a threat in a span of a year


D. The ALE calculation estimates the potential loss that can affect one asset from a specific threat within a one-year time span. This value is used to figure out the amount of money that should be earmarked to protect this asset from this threat.

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How do you calculate residual risk?

A. Threats × risks × asset value

B. (Threats × asset value × vulnerability) × risks

C. SLE × frequency = ALE

D. (Threats × vulnerability × asset value) × controls gap


D. The equation is more conceptual than practical. It is hard to assign a number to an individual vulnerability or threat. This equation enables you to look at the potential loss of a specific asset, as well as the controls gap (what the specific countermeasure cannot protect against). What remains is the residual risk, which is what is left over after a countermeasure is implemented.

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Why should the team that will perform and review the risk analysis information be made up of people in different departments?

A. To make sure the process is fair and that no one is left out.

B. It shouldn’t. It should be a small group brought in from outside the organization because otherwise the analysis is biased and unusable.

C. Because people in different departments understand the risks of their department. Thus, it ensures the data going into the analysis is as close to reality as possible.

D. Because the people in the different departments are the ones causing the risks, so they should be the ones held accountable.


C. An analysis is only as good as the data that goes into it. Data pertaining to risks the company faces should be extracted from the people who understand best the business functions and environment of the company. Each department understands its own threats and resources, and may have possible solutions to specific threats that affect its part of the company.

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Which best describes a quantitative risk analysis?

A. A scenario-based analysis to research different security threats

B. A method used to apply severity levels to potential loss, probability of loss, and risks

C. A method that assigns monetary values to components in the risk assessment

D. A method that is based on gut feelings and opinions


C. A quantitative risk analysis assigns monetary values and percentages to the different components within the assessment. A qualitative analysis uses opinions of individuals and a rating system to gauge the severity level of different threats and the benefits of specific countermeasures.

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Why is a truly quantitative risk analysis not possible to achieve?

A. It is possible, which is why it is used.

B. It assigns severity levels. Thus, it is hard to translate into monetary values.

C. It is dealing with purely quantitative elements.

D. Quantitative measures must be applied to qualitative elements.


D. During a risk analysis, the team is trying to properly predict the future and all the risks that future may bring. It is somewhat of a subjective exercise and requires educated guessing. It is very hard to properly predict that a flood will take place once in ten years and cost a company up to $40,000 in damages, but this is what a quantitative analysis tries to accomplish.

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What is COBIT and where does it fit into the development of information security systems and security programs?

A. Lists of standards, procedures, and policies for security program development

B. Current version of ISO 17799

C. A framework that was developed to deter organizational internal fraud

D. Open standards for control objectives


D. The Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) is a framework developed by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) and the IT Governance Institute (ITGI). It defines goals for the controls that should be used to properly manage IT and ensure IT maps to business needs.

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What is the ISO/IEC 27799 standard?

A. A standard on how to protect personal health information

B. The new version of BS 17799

C. Definitions for the new ISO 27000 series

D. The new version of NIST SP 800-60


A. It is referred to as the health informatics, and its purpose is to provide guidance to health organizations and other holders of personal health information on how to protect such information via implementation of ISO/IEC 27002.

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OCTAVE, NIST SP 800-30, and AS/NZS ISO 31000 are different approaches to carrying out risk management within companies and organizations. What are the differences between these methods?

A. NIST SP 800-30 and OCTAVE are corporate based, while AS/NZS is international.

B. NIST SP 800-30 is IT based, while OCTAVE and AS/NZS ISO 31000 are corporate based.

C. AS/NZS is IT based, and OCTAVE and NIST SP 800-30 are assurance based.

D. NIST SP 800-30 and AS/NZS are corporate based, while OCTAVE is international.


B. NIST SP 800-30, Revision 1, “Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments,” is a U.S. federal standard that is focused on IT risks. OCTAVE is a methodology to set up a risk management program within an organizational structure. AS/NZS ISO 31000 takes a much broader approach to risk management. This methodology can be used to understand a company’s financial, capital, human safety, and business decisions risks. Although it can be used to analyze security risks, it was not created specifically for this purpose.

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A server that houses sensitive data has been stored in an unlocked room for the last few years at Company A. The door to the room has a sign on the door that reads “Room 1.” This sign was placed on the door with the hope that people would not look for important servers in this room. Realizing this is not optimum security, the company has decided to install a reinforced lock and server cage for the server and remove the sign. The company has also hardened the server’s configuration and employed strict operating system access controls.

The fact that the server has been in an unlocked room marked “Room 1” for the last few years means the company was practicing which of the following?

A. Logical security

B. Risk management

C. Risk transference

D. Security through obscurity


D. Security through obscurity is not implementing true security controls, but rather attempting to hide the fact that an asset is vulnerable in the hope that an attacker will not notice. Security through obscurity is an approach to try and fool a potential attacker, which is a poor way of practicing security. Vulnerabilities should be identified and fixed, not hidden.


A server that houses sensitive data has been stored in an unlocked room for the last few years at Company A. The door to the room has a sign on the door that reads “Room 1.” This sign was placed on the door with the hope that people would not look for important servers in this room. Realizing this is not optimum security, the company has decided to install a reinforced lock and server cage for the server and remove the sign. The company has also hardened the server’s configuration and employed strict operating system access controls.

The new reinforced lock and cage serve as which of the following?

A. Logical controls

B. Physical controls

C. Administrative controls

D. Compensating controls


B. Physical controls are security mechanisms in the physical world, as in locks, fences, doors, computer cages, etc. There are three main control types, which are administrative, technical, and physical.


A server that houses sensitive data has been stored in an unlocked room for the last few years at Company A. The door to the room has a sign on the door that reads “Room 1.” This sign was placed on the door with the hope that people would not look for important servers in this room. Realizing this is not optimum security, the company has decided to install a reinforced lock and server cage for the server and remove the sign. The company has also hardened the server’s configuration and employed strict operating system access controls.

The operating system access controls comprise which of the following?

A. Logical controls

B. Physical controls

C. Administrative controls

D. Compensating controls


A. Logical (or technical) controls are security mechanisms, as in firewalls, encryption, software permissions, and authentication devices. They are commonly used in tandem with physical and administrative controls to provide a defense-in-depth approach to security.


A company has an e-commerce website that carries out 60 percent of its annual revenue. Under the current circumstances, the annualized loss expectancy for a website against the threat of attack is $92,000. After implementing a new application-layer firewall, the new annualized loss expectancy would be $30,000. The firewall costs $65,000 per year to implement and maintain.

How much does the firewall save the company in loss expenses?

A. $62,000

B. $3,000

C. $65,000

D. $30,000


A. $62,000 is the correct answer. The firewall reduced the annualized loss expectancy (ALE) from $92,000 to $30,000 for a savings of $62,000. The formula for ALE is single loss expectancy × annualized rate of occurrence = ALE. Subtracting the ALE value after the firewall is implemented from the value before it was implemented results in the potential loss savings this type of control provides.


A company has an e-commerce website that carries out 60 percent of its annual revenue. Under the current circumstances, the annualized loss expectancy for a website against the threat of attack is $92,000. After implementing a new application-layer firewall, the new annualized loss expectancy would be $30,000. The firewall costs $65,000 per year to implement and maintain.

What is the value of the firewall to the company?

A. $62,000

B. $3,000

C. –$62,000

D. –$3,000


D. –$3,000 is the correct answer. The firewall saves $62,000, but costs $65,000 per year. 62,000 – 65,000 = –3,000. The firewall actually costs the company more than the original expected loss, and thus the value to the company is a negative number. The formula for this calculation is (ALE before the control is implemented) – (ALE after the control is implemented) – (annual cost of control) = value of control.


A company has an e-commerce website that carries out 60 percent of its annual revenue. Under the current circumstances, the annualized loss expectancy for a website against the threat of attack is $92,000. After implementing a new application-layer firewall, the new annualized loss expectancy would be $30,000. The firewall costs $65,000 per year to implement and maintain.

Which of the following describes the company’s approach to risk management?

A. Risk transference

B. Risk avoidance

C. Risk acceptance

D. Risk mitigation


D. Risk mitigation involves employing controls in an attempt to reduce either the likelihood or damage associated with an incident, or both. The four ways of dealing with risk are accept, avoid, transfer, and mitigate (reduce). A firewall is a countermeasure installed to reduce the risk of a threat.


A small remote office for a company is valued at $800,000. It is estimated, based on historical data, that a fire is likely to occur once every ten years at a facility in this area. It is estimated that such a fire would destroy 60 percent of the facility under the current circumstances and with the current detective and preventive controls in place.

What is the single loss expectancy (SLE) for the facility suffering from a fire?

A. $80,000

B. $480,000

C. $320,000

D. 60%


B. $480,000 is the correct answer. The formula for single loss expectancy (SLE) is asset value × exposure factor (EF) = SLE. In this situation the formula would work out as asset value ($800,000) × exposure factor (60%) = $480,000. This means that the company has a potential loss value of $480,000 pertaining to this one asset (facility) and this one threat type (fire).


A small remote office for a company is valued at $800,000. It is estimated, based on historical data, that a fire is likely to occur once every ten years at a facility in this area. It is estimated that such a fire would destroy 60 percent of the facility under the current circumstances and with the current detective and preventive controls in place.

What is the annualized rate of occurrence (ARO)?

A. 1

B. 10

C. .1

D. .01


C. The annualized rate occurrence (ARO) is the frequency that a threat will most likely occur within a 12-month period. It is a value used in the ALE formula, which is SLE × ARO = ALE.


A small remote office for a company is valued at $800,000. It is estimated, based on historical data, that a fire is likely to occur once every ten years at a facility in this area. It is estimated that such a fire would destroy 60 percent of the facility under the current circumstances and with the current detective and preventive controls in place.

What is the annualized loss expectancy (ALE)?

A. $480,000

B. $32,000

C. $48,000

D. .6


C. $48,000 is the correct answer. The annualized loss expectancy formula (SLE × ARO = ALE) is used to calculate the loss potential for one asset experiencing one threat in a 12-month period. The resulting ALE value helps to determine the amount that can reasonably be spent in the protection of that asset. In this situation, the company should not spend over $48,000 on protecting this asset from the threat of fire. ALE values help organizations rank the severity level of the risks they face so they know which ones to deal with first and how much to spend on each.


The international standards bodies ISO and IEC developed a series of standards that are used in organizations around the world to implement and maintain information security management systems. The standards were derived from the British Standard 7799, which was broken down into two main pieces. Organizations can use this series of standards as guidelines, but can also be certified against them by accredited third parties. Which of the following are incorrect mappings pertaining to the individual standards that make up the ISO/IEC 27000 series?

i. ISO/IEC 27001 outlines ISMS implementation guidelines, and ISO/IEC 27003 outlines the ISMS program’s requirements.
ii. ISO/IEC 27005 outlines the audit and certification guidance, and ISO/IEC 27002 outlines the metrics framework.
iii. ISO/IEC 27006 outlines the program implementation guidelines, and ISO/IEC 27005 outlines risk management guidelines.
iv. ISO/IEC 27001 outlines the code of practice, and ISO/IEC 27004 outlines the implementation framework.

A. i, iii

B. i, ii

C. ii, iii, iv

D. i, ii, iii, iv


D. Unfortunately, you will run into questions on the CISSP exam that will be this confusing, so you need to be ready for them. The proper mapping for the ISO/IEC standards are as follows:

  • ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS requirements
  • ISO/IEC 27002 Code of practice for information security management
  • ISO/IEC 27003 Guideline for ISMS implementation
  • ISO/IEC 27004 Guideline for information security management measurement and metrics framework
  • ISO/IEC 27005 Guideline for information security risk management
  • ISO/IEC 27006 Guidance for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems

The information security industry is made up of various best practices, standards, models, and frameworks. Some were not developed first with security in mind, but can be integrated into an organizational security program to help in its effectiveness and efficiency. It is important to know of all of these different approaches so that an organization can choose the ones that best fit its business needs and culture. Which of the following best describes the approach(es) that should be put into place if an organization wants to integrate a way to improve its security processes over a period of time?

i. Information Technology Infrastructure Library should be integrated because it allows for the mapping of IT service process management, business drivers, and security improvement.
ii. Six Sigma should be integrated because it allows for the defects of security processes to be identified and improved upon.
iii. Capability Maturity Model Integration should be integrated because it provides distinct maturity levels.
iv. The Open Group Architecture Framework should be integrated because it provides a structure for process improvement.

A. i, iii

B. ii, iii, iv

C. ii, iii

D. ii, iv


C. The best process improvement approaches provided in this list are Six Sigma and the Capability Maturity Model. The following outlines the definitions for all items in this question:

  • TOGAF Model and methodology for the development of enterprise architectures developed by The Open Group
  • ITIL Processes to allow for IT service management developed by the United Kingdom’s Office of Government Commerce
  • Six Sigma Business management strategy that can be used to carry out process improvement
  • Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Organizational development for process improvement developed by Carnegie Mellon

Todd is a new security manager and has the responsibility of implementing personnel security controls within the financial institution where he works. Todd knows that many employees do not fully understand how their actions can put the institution at risk; thus, an awareness program needs to be developed. He has determined that the bank tellers need to get a supervisory override when customers have checks over $3,500 that need to be cashed. He has also uncovered that some employees have stayed in their specific positions within the company for over three years. Todd would like to be able to investigate some of the bank’s personnel activities to see if any fraudulent activities have taken place. Todd is already ensuring that two people must use separate keys at the same time to open the bank vault.

Todd documents several fraud opportunities that the employees have at the financial institution so that management understands these risks and allocates the funds and resources for his suggested solutions. Which of the following best describes the control Todd should put into place to be able to carry out fraudulent investigation activity?

A. Separation of duties

B. Rotation of duties

C. Mandatory vacations

D. Split knowledge


C. Mandatory vacation is an administrative detective control that allows for an organization to investigate an employee’s daily business activities to uncover any potential fraud that may be taking place. The employee should be forced to be away from the organization for a two-week period and another person should be put into that role. The idea is that the person who was rotated into that position may be able to detect suspicious activities.


Todd is a new security manager and has the responsibility of implementing personnel security controls within the financial institution where he works. Todd knows that many employees do not fully understand how their actions can put the institution at risk; thus, an awareness program needs to be developed. He has determined that the bank tellers need to get a supervisory override when customers have checks over $3,500 that need to be cashed. He has also uncovered that some employees have stayed in their specific positions within the company for over three years. Todd would like to be able to investigate some of the bank’s personnel activities to see if any fraudulent activities have taken place. Todd is already ensuring that two people must use separate keys at the same time to open the bank vault.

If the financial institution wants to force collusion to take place for fraud to happen successfully in this situation, what should Todd put into place?

A. Separation of duties

B. Rotation of duties

C. Social engineering

D. Split knowledge


A. Separation of duties is an administrative control that is put into place to ensure that one person cannot carry out a critical task by himself. If a person were able to carry out a critical task alone, this could put the organization at risk. Collusion is when two or more people come together to carry out fraud. So if a task was split between two people, they would have to carry out collusion (working together) to complete that one task and carry out fraud.


Todd is a new security manager and has the responsibility of implementing personnel security controls within the financial institution where he works. Todd knows that many employees do not fully understand how their actions can put the institution at risk; thus, an awareness program needs to be developed. He has determined that the bank tellers need to get a supervisory override when customers have checks over $3,500 that need to be cashed. He has also uncovered that some employees have stayed in their specific positions within the company for over three years. Todd would like to be able to investigate some of the bank’s personnel activities to see if any fraudulent activities have taken place. Todd is already ensuring that two people must use separate keys at the same time to open the bank vault.

Todd wants to be able to prevent fraud from taking place, but he knows that some people may get around the types of controls he puts into place. In those situations he wants to be able to identify when an employee is doing something suspicious. Which of the following incorrectly describes what Todd is implementing in this scenario and what those specific controls provide?

A. Separation of duties by ensuring that a supervisor must approve the cashing of a check over $3,500. This is an administrative control that provides preventive protection for Todd’s organization.

B. Rotation of duties by ensuring that one employee only stays in one position for up to three months at a time. This is an administrative control that provides detective capabilities.

C. Security awareness training, which is a preventive administrative control that can also emphasize enforcement.

D. Dual control, which is an administrative detective control that can ensure that two employees must carry out a task simultaneously.


D. Dual control is an administrative preventive control. It ensures that two people must carry out a task at the same time, as in two people having separate keys when opening the vault. It is not a detective control. Notice that the question asks what Todd is not doing. Remember that on the exam you need to choose the best answer. In many situations you will not like the question or the corresponding answers on the CISSP exam, so prepare yourself. The questions can be tricky, which is one reason why the exam itself is so difficult.


Susan has been told by her boss that she will be replacing the current security manager within her company. Her boss explained to her that operational security measures have not been carried out in a standard fashion, so some systems have proper security configurations and some do not. Her boss needs to understand how dangerous it is to have some of the systems misconfigured, along with what to do in this situation.

Which of the following best describes what Susan needs to ensure the operations staff creates for proper configuration standardization?

A. Dual control

B. Redundancy

C. Training

D. Baselines


D. The operations staff needs to know what minimum level of security is required per system within the network. This minimum level of security is referred to as a baseline. Once a baseline is set per system, then the staff has something to compare the system against to know if changes have not taken place properly, which could make the system vulnerable.


Susan has been told by her boss that she will be replacing the current security manager within her company. Her boss explained to her that operational security measures have not been carried out in a standard fashion, so some systems have proper security configurations and some do not. Her boss needs to understand how dangerous it is to have some of the systems misconfigured, along with what to do in this situation.

Which of the following is the best way for Susan to illustrate to her boss the dangers of the current configuration issues?

A. Map the configurations to the compliancy requirements.

B. Compromise a system to illustrate its vulnerability.

C. Audit the systems.

D. Carry out a risk assessment.


D. Susan needs to illustrate these vulnerabilities (misconfigured systems) in the context of risk to her boss. This means she needs to identify the specific vulnerabilities, associate threats to those vulnerabilities, and calculate their risks. This will allow her boss to understand how critical these issues are and what type of action needs to take place.


Susan has been told by her boss that she will be replacing the current security manager within her company. Her boss explained to her that operational security measures have not been carried out in a standard fashion, so some systems have proper security configurations and some do not. Her boss needs to understand how dangerous it is to have some of the systems misconfigured, along with what to do in this situation.

Which of the following is one of the most likely solutions that Susan will come up with and present to her boss?

A. Development of standards

B. Development of training

C. Development of monitoring

D. Development of testing


A. Standards need to be developed that outline proper configuration management processes and approved baseline configuration settings. Once these standards are developed and put into place, then employees can be trained on these issues and how to implement and maintain what is outlined in the standards. Systems can be tested against what is laid out in the standards, and systems can be monitored to detect if there are configurations that do not meet the requirements outlined in the standards. You will find that some CISSP questions seem subjective and their answers hard to pin down. Questions that ask what is “best” or “more likely” are common.


What is one of the first steps in developing a business continuity plan?

A. Identify a backup solution.

B. Perform a simulation test.

C. Perform a business impact analysis.

D. Develop a business resumption plan.


C. A business impact analysis includes identifying critical systems and functions of a company and interviewing representatives from each department. Once management’s support is solidified, a business impact analysis needs to be performed to identify the threats the company faces and the potential costs of these threats.


The purpose of initiating emergency procedures right after a disaster takes place is to prevent loss of life and injuries, and to _______________.

A. secure the area to ensure that no looting or fraud takes place

B. mitigate further damage

C. protect evidence and clues

D. investigate the extent of the damages


B. The main goal of disaster recovery and business continuity plans is to mitigate all risks that could be experienced by a company. Emergency procedures first need to be carried out to protect human life, and then other procedures need to be executed to reduce the damage from further threats.


Which of the following would you use to control the public distribution, reproduction, display, and adaptation of an original white paper written by your staff?

A. Copyright

B. Trademark

C. Patent

D. Trade secret


A. A copyright fits the situation precisely. A patent could be used to protect a novel invention described in the paper, but the question did not imply that this was the case. A trade secret cannot be publicly disseminated, so it does not apply. Finally, a trademark protects only a word, symbol, sound, shape, color or combination of these.


Many privacy laws dictate which of the following rules?

A. Individuals have a right to remove any data they do not want others to know.

B. Agencies do not need to ensure that the data is accurate.

C. Agencies need to allow all government agencies access to the data.

D. Agencies cannot use collected data for a purpose different from what they were collected for.


D. The Federal Privacy Act of 1974 and the European Union Principles on Privacy were created to protect citizens from government agencies that collect personal data. These acts have many stipulations, including that the information can only be used for the reason for which it was collected.


The term used to denote a potential cause of an unwanted incident, which may result in harm to a system or organization is:

A. Vulnerability

B. Exploit

C. Threat

D. Attacker


C. The question provides the definition of a threat in ISO/IEC 27000. The term attacker (option D) could be used to describe a threat agent that is, in turn, a threat, but use of this term is much more restrictive. The best answer is a threat.


A CISSP candidate signs an ethics statement prior to taking the CISSP examination. Which of the following would be a violation of the (ISC)2 Code of Ethics that could cause the candidate to lose his or her certification?

A. E-mailing information or comments about the exam to other CISSP candidates

B. Submitting comments on the questions of the exam to (ISC)2

C. Submitting comments to the board of directors regarding the test and content of the class

D. Conducting a presentation about the CISSP certification and what the certification means


A. A CISSP candidate and a CISSP holder should never discuss with others what was on the exam. This degrades the usefulness of the exam to be used as a tool to test someone’s true security knowledge. If this type of activity is uncovered, the person could be stripped of their CISSP certification because this would violate the terms of the NDA upon which the candidate enters prior to taking the test. Violating an NDA is a violation of the ethics canon that requires CISSPs to act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly and legally.


Which of the following has an incorrect definition mapping?

i. Civil (code) law: Based on previous interpretations of laws
ii. Common law: Rule-based law, not precedent-based
iii. Customary law: Deals mainly with personal conduct and patterns of behavior
iv. Religious law: Based on religious beliefs of the region

A. i, iii

B. i, ii, iii

C. i, ii

D. iv


C. The following has the proper definition mappings:

i. Civil (code) law: Rule-based law, not precedent-based
ii. Common law: Based on previous interpretations of laws
iii. Customary law: Deals mainly with personal conduct and patterns of behavior
iv. Religious law: Based on religious beliefs of the region