chapt 2 Flashcards
a field concerned with the development of drugs for disorders that involve defects or deficiencies in brain chemistry
simultaneously studies the 3 bodily systems, the nervous endocrine and immune
perspective that has the idea that thoughts and emotions are important causes of behavior ex: Freds conflicts w/ his wife compound the effects of his stressful job
psychodynamic perspective
all behavior whether overt(muscle movement) or covert(a thought)is caused/determined by prior mental events
psychic determinism (freud)
stages of psychosexual development
oral, anal, phallic (freud)
thinking characterized by inability to discriminate b/w the real n unreal n unable to stop impulese
primary process thinking (freud, in infants)
theory:internalized beliefs, perceptions, and goals influence the impact that experience associated w/ conditioning have on behavior and thoughts
social cognitive theory
a desire to be “all that you can be”
self actualization (the humanistic view)
roles of social relationships & the impact of socioeconomic conditions on maladaptive behavior
community cultural perspective
perspective that emphasizes the role of bodily processes ex:freds heredity may be a major determinant
biological perspective
our uniqueness as individuals & our freedom to make our own decision ex: fred needs to think more about what he want to accomplish in his life and how he wants to liveit
humanistic-existential perspective
looks to defective thinking & problem solving as causes of abnormal behavior ex: fred may have unrealistic expectations about the extent to which he can meet his responsibilities at home and at work
cognitive perspective
ex: improving his ability to negotiate disbutes w/ his wife would help fred cope better at home and work
behavioral perspective
threadlike bodies that are present in pairs in all body cells
arranged linearly along the chromosomes