Chapt 2 Flashcards
is a group of people working together in some concerted or coordinated effort to attain objectives
are complex adaptive systems that use people, tasks, and technologies to achieve specified goals and objectives
the set of all factors both outside and inside the organization that can affect its progress toward attaining its goals
Organizational environment
decides on how to use the structure, resources, and the activities of the organization to achieve stated goals and objectives.
tries to explain how organization work by defining the common elements that they share with other organizations, by collecting data, and by analyzing them.
Organizational theory
is concerned with the relationship between organizations and their environment, the effects of those relationships on organizational functioning, and how organizations affect the distribution of privilege in society
Organization theory
Drucker suggests three criteria for effective organizations:
- organized for business performance
- structure should contain the least number of management levels—meaning a flat structure.
- structure should facilitate training and testing of future organization leaders.
is the pattern of relationships among positions in the organization and among members of the organization.
Organizational structure
Mintzberg five basic categories of organizational structures:
- Simple Structure
- Machine bureaucracy
- Professional bureaucracy
- Divisionalized form of bureaucracy
- Adhocracy
centralized, entrepreneur-founded, little hierarchy, controlled by the CEO
Simple Structure
mass produced tasks, many layers of management, formal procedures
Machine bureaucracy
parts of administration is set by independent professional bodies
Professional bureaucracy
applies more to multinational or industrial corporations, a small central core key guidelines
Divisionalized form of bureaucracy
often found in new technology industries, which need constantly to innovate and respond to quickly changing markets
grouping of major functions
Functional structure
a nationalized service develops regions, areas or district authorities
groupings of services and/or geography and functionality (but with functions such as finance, personnel, planning retained at the headquarters).
Divisional Structure
grouping of projects and functions, a combination of product and functional departmentalization that creates dual lines of authority.
The matrix structure
types of organizational structure
- Functional structure
- Product/Service
- Geographical
- Divisional structure
- The matrix structure
grouping of major functions
Functional structure
grouping by product/service
a nationalized service develops regions, areas or district authorities
groupings of services and/or geography and functionality (but with functions such as finance, personnel, planning retained at the headquarters)
Divisional structure
grouping of projects and functions, a combination of product and functional departmentalization that creates dual lines of authority.
The matrix structure
is the degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in an organization.
If the power to decide is dispersed among many people or groups, it is known as
decentralized decision making.
Levels of organization according to Drucker
- Technical level
- Managerial level (or organizational level)
- Community level (or institutional level)
concerned with specific operations and define tasks, actual jobs to be done, and doing technical functions
Technical level
concerned with the coordination and integration of work at the technical level
Managerial or organizational level
concerned with the broad objectives and the work of the organization as a whole
Community or institutional level
- Work design
- Formal
- Span of control
- People and organizational relationship
work can be combined in various forms
Work design
line, functional and staff
number of employees who directly reports to one supervisor
Span of control
the elements of organizational structure maintain the balance of the socio-technical system and effectiveness of the organization as a whole.
People and organizational relationship
is the administrative process of writing and passing laws that, to a certain extent, restrain some fundamental rights of business.
pertains to minimum wages, benefits, safety and health compliance, working conditions, equal employment opportunity, and privacy regulations
employment laws
enforces environmental laws passed by the government
prevent businesses from disclosing sensitive information about employees and customers freely.
Privacy laws
ensures that employers provide safe and sanitary work environments through frequent inspections and a grade scale.
Safety and health laws
frequent change in regime—change in policy toward business, particularly international business.
Political instability
the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time
Corporate Social Responsibility
Nature of corporate social responsibility
- Economic responsibility
- Legal responsibility
- Ethical responsibility
- Discretionary responsibility
Contemporary social issues
- Environmental issues
- Global issues
- Technological issues
is an organized group that seeks to influence not only government policy but also private enterprises’ operating policy.
pressure group
work to protect and advance the interest of specific social groups. At times they are crossbreed of political group.
Sectoral pressure groups
fast growing group in the Philippines with regards to putting pressure on government. They mobilize support in the country for what they believe in and to support for political office those who share their beliefs.
Religious/Attitude groups
slide 40
Role of government policy
slide 37
Role of government in business
slide 36
Six foundation of trust upon which ethical business practice is built:
Slide 34
Significant impact on international operating activities of a company
slide 28
Factors affecting structural selection in mnCs
Slide 23
Factors affecting structure selection in multinational corporations
Slide 22
Mintzberg nine design parameters
slide 19
Consequences of structural deficiencies (Child)
Slide 14
Dimensions of organizational structure (Child, 1988, as cited by Biore, et al., 2017)
Slide 13
Objectives of an organizational structure
Slide 12