Chapitre 2 Flashcards
to have half a mind to
avoir presque envie de, penser à (sans probablement le faire) = to have a good mind
I have half a mind to tell her what I really think of her.
I have a good mind to go without him if he’s going to be such an idiot!
to wade
avancer dans un liquide ou une autre matière qui offre de la résistance (boue, marais)
au figuré : progresser avec difficulté
Rescuers had to wade across a river to reach them.
They had to wade through a swamp.
To wade through a dull book.
heath (paysage ou plante)
lande (sans arbre, sol pauvre, arbustes : genêts, bruyères, ajoncs, fougères)
bruyère (heath ≈ heather)
(coal) scuttle
seau à charbon
scuttle est aussi un type de panier peu profond pour le grain ou les produits du jardin
Get rid of the cinders before you build a new fire.
froid, austère, morne (pièce, climat) sans espoir (situation, futur) ≈ dismal "to paint a bleak picture" = décrire une situation avec peu d'espoir * A bleak midwinter's day. He looked round the bleak little room in despair. A bleak and barren moor. Things look very bleak for the team.
to straggle
traîner (en arrière d’un groupe, en dehors d’un chemin)
être dispersé (chose, cheveux, maison), peu dense et en désordre
Keep up with the rest of us and don’t straggle.
Her grey hair straggled in wisps about her face.
They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now.
The houses straggled down the hillside.
to tingle (with)
fourmiller, picoter (avec le froid, le chaud)
frissonner avec une émotion (excitation, peur)
My fingers and toes are tingling with the cold.
She tingled with fear as she entered the dark alleyway.
I felt a sudden tingle of excitement.
misérable (habitat, vêtements, personne), malheureux
lamentable (performance, comportement)
maudit (pour qq chose que l’on aime pas)
These wretched people had seen their homes going up in flames.
Of course this wretched woman was unforgivably irresponsible.
Poor Cinderella had a wretched childhood, living in wretched conditions with a wretched stepmother.
(peu commun en ce sens ou daté)
occupant d’une maison, résident
grossier, revêche (personne, comportement)
a churl (plutôt rare) = une personne …
They invited me to dinner and I thought it would be churlish to refuse
A l’origine “churl” veut dire paysan, de classe sociale inférieure.
to latch
loquet (d’une porte), verrou
to latch = fermer à clé, fermer le verrou
You left the latch off the gate and the dog escaped.
Latch the front and back doors before you leave for school!
to halloo
crier pour attirer l’attention, héler qu’un, appeler à grands cris
crier pour encourager les chiens à la chasse
He gave a great halloo but no one heard him.
lavoir, buanderie
petit abri, principalement pour les oiseaux (et principalement pour les pigeons et colombes).
dovecote = colombier
at length
(lit) enfin OU longuement * At length my father went into the house. They spoke at length, reviewing the entire incident.
to bid sb + verb
nb : sans “to”
enjoindre, proposer, inviter qu’un à faire qq chose
dire, faire ses adieux, souhaiter la bienvenue, donner sa benediction
He bade them enter.
They all smiled at him and bade him eat.
James bade a tearful farewell to his parents.
to bid good night.
at any rate
en tout cas (utilisé pour préciser ou nuancer qq chose que l’on vient de dire)
He is the least appealing character, to me at any rate.
For the moment, at any rate, he was safe
gruff (adj)
bourru, brusque (manière, voix, personne)
His gruff exterior concealed one of the kindest hearts.
témoignage de, gage (sentiment, fait, qualité)
token woman, black, gay = personne d’une minorité intégrée ds un groupe faire croire qu’il est inclusif (tokenism)
A love token.
As a token of goodwill, I’m going to write another letter.
As a token of our gratitude, we would like you to accept this small gift.
A white flag is a token of surrender.
to part with
se séparer (de qq chose que l’on apprécie)
He parted with much of his collection to pay his gardening bills.
I just couldn’t part with my old car, even though it uses too much gas.
mince, svelte, élancé (personne, partie du corps, chose)
étroit, mince (chose immatérielle)
Peter is tall and slender.
She’s got a beautiful slender figure. (figure = ligne, silhouette)
A student living on slender means.
A slender hope still flickered within him.
These claims are based on slender evidence.
flaxen (hair)
(cheveux) blond pâle
flax = plante qui permet la confection du lin
Her long flaxen hair.