Chap8 Flashcards
a written document covering a specific period of time , that contains the organization/ agency’s
vision, mission, goals, program thrusts, projects, approaches and strategies, policies and rules, structures,
linkages, manpower and funding requirements.
is guided by a deep-seated belief or statement of philosophy that guides the
presents the directions and the specific targets in a particular period of time that a
group must do which are the bases for allocation and approval of funding requirements.
plan is made operational by breaking it into programs or popularly called program thrusts
of an agency, organization, or local government units.
defined by Ruiz (1998), it is composed of a cluster of projects to be undertaken which when
combined together will accomplish a broader predefined goal.
According to Mercado (1997), a
is a package of interrelated projects to meet certain socio-economic goals. He also mentioned that
programmes and projects are solutions to specific problems and needs.
composed of
interrelated activities performed in order to accomplish predetermined objectives (Ruiz,
1988). It is very specific, short-range, with clear, concrete and measurable performance
Programs/ projects are influenced by political leaders vision and mission
2. Programs are influenced by the priorities of the assisting organization/ agency
3. Programs requires multi-agency cooperation
4. Programs although funded by external agencies, require LGU leadership and supervision
5. Programs need participatory strategies from planning, implementing up to evaluation
6. Programs/ projects are market-driven, technology based, people managed and initiated.
defined as a process that starts
from situation analysis up to the appraisal of program accomplishment. It is composed
of seven distinct processes or stages wherein each stage is a process by itself. These
are SITUATION ANALYSIS, organization for planning, program planning process, planned
program, plan of work, execution and appraisal of accomplishment
Program development
Good and effective planners posses commitment, honesty, trust, credibility,
innovativeness, community interests, service, transparency and concern for total
human development of their constituents or target clientele
Organization for planning
basically a decision-making process. It is deciding in advance what to do,
when to do it, how to do it, who will do it, and how much is needed. It is forecasting
future activities.
Program planning
are made because there is a need to ensure effectiveness,
efficiency, success and achieve satisfaction.
Plans/program planning
identifying target are and people
B. Resource assessment
C. Problem identification and prioritization
D. Objective formulation
E. Actions to be undertaken (program, projects, activities )
F. Strategies of implementations
G. Identifying people to be involved
H. Duration
I. Estimating budget needed and source
The output or product of planning is an agency/
organizational or a community development plan. The plan must be written for
approval by legal bodies for funding and submission to higher authorities.
Planned program
The development plan composed of several programs and projects
when written is very general. In order to make it operational and ready for
implementation. A detailed work plan must be prepared to guide planners and
implementers on what to do.
Plan of work
This is the stage of putting plans into actions or reality.
Sometimes planners are not implementers and therefore implementers must know
and prepare the following Expected target output Requirements/resources needed
Technical aspects Financial requirements Date of completion Alternative actions and
sensitivity to situations
Execution of workplan
This is basic in all plans, programs and projects.
Plans appear to be implemented and evaluated when the project is going on and at
project completion.
Appraisal of accomplishment
a serious and systematic process of problem analysis, formulating
objectives, identifying programs/ projects/activities. Choosing strategies, and
estimating budget requirements.
Planning/program planning process
Reasons for planning
Plans guide implementers on what to do, who will do it, when to do it, how much
funds are needed
• Plans are prepared for submission for funding Plans are bases for monitoring,
documentation and evaluation
• Plans are bases for performance evaluation
• Plans minimizes errors/ failures in implementations
Plans are bases for fund allocation and additional fund sourcing
• Plans inspire people to work hard. It motivates challenges people
• Plans justify hiring of people, specify qualifications needed and number of people to
be hired
• Plans can be used as bases for revisions, improvement or stoppage of the projects
• Plans are made for optimum utilization of human, physical, financial and institutional
are the resources need in the project available
Resource availability
Programs and projects in extension and
rural development are based on existing problems and needs affecting a great number of
people. There is a need to perform problem analysis in order to identify causes of core
problems which need priority attention. The people must be able to participate in
prioritizing the program/ project that will answer recognized problems and needs.
Problems and need-based program
• Global competitiveness
• Economic viability
• Socially acceptability
• Technical soundness
• Environment friendly
• Political support
Resource availability
Technology availability
Funding requirements and sources
Committed, innovative and aggressive planners
Linkages and partnership
Coordination and cooperation
People first
Project sustainability
T-ime Bound
- Identifying target area and people
- Resource assessment
- Problem identification and prioritization
- Objective formulation
- Actions to be undertaken (programs/ projects/ policies/ activities)
- Strategies of implementations
- Identifying people to be involved
- Duration / date of implementation
- Estimating budget needed and sourc
- A group of people developing a plan is
addressing a specific area and people. The planners in many cases know the people
who will benefit from the program as well as the people who will implement the
program and who will finance the program.
Identifying target area and people
The planners can use the following criteria
A. Number of people affected
B. Effect of the problem
C. Extent of damage
D. Fund requirement
E. Capability of people involved- implementers and workers
F. Environment safety
G. Peace and order
Based on the problems identified, analyzed and prioritized,
the planners are now ready to formulate general and specific statements of objectives.
Once the core problem is identified, the general objective can already be made
Objective formulation
Actions to arrest the identified problems can be in the
form of programs, projects, activities-policies barangay/municipality/ city ordinances.
Program planners need to decide whether it is a program, a project or an activity.
Actions to be undertaken
refer to the primary step by step
activities that should be done to implement the project. Specific work plan will be
prepared to put the activities in action. The approaches to be used will be planned,
monitored and evaluated and may vary from project to project depending on the
people to be involved.
Strategies in implementation
This presents the date of project implementation
considering the different activities presented in the general plan.
This is the common practice in many organizations and local government units
where the top-level executives/ elected local government officials and appointed officials develop general
plans for the organization/ agencies, municipalities and cities. These top executives or local officials prepare
the overall visions, missions, goals, objectives and activities of the organization. They assume the major
responsibility of planning the future of the organization, city/ municipality.
Top- level planning
This level of planning is highly democratic, people-oriented,
community based and described as highly participatory.
Grassroots or mass based planning
This is the evolving planning strategy wherein the low-
level officials of the rural people, the members of the community participates in project /
organization planning or development planning, that is from situation analysis, problem and needs
identification, program planning, program approval, fund sourcing, implementation, monitoring and
documentation. And evaluation
Grassroots or mass-based planninh
This is
another level of the participatory approach in planning that minimizes conflicts,
misunderstanding and divisiveness in the community or organizations. It tries to foster
unity in diversity of ideas, respect of human rights, justice and equality prevail among
Joint planning
- This is a planning approach wherein top level officials , middle level
and representatives of the community/ workers/members of the organization of the
community come together to develop the plans of the organization/ community
Joint planning
approach involving elected leader like city/municipal councilor as chair and members
come from different come from the different agencies, non-government organizations,
private sector and selected prominent citizen who can productively contribute to the
tasks of the committee
Team/committee planning
integrates the best and acceptable ideas from
different sectors. It tries to put together plans, from the different sectors.
Team/committee planning
Planning problem analysis can be done by top level officials, low level officials, the people
at the grassroots level, combination of top and low level officials, and team/ committee
Levels of analysis can be :
A. Individual
B. Group or a family, members of organization/ association, team
C. Councils- ( barangay, municipalities/ city/ provincial development councils
D. Top/ middle elected and appointed officials
What is micro-web analysis
participants in the problem analysis usually meet in a place
that is convenient to everybody. The number of people participating may range from 15-25
individuals. It must not be so large in order to give everybody the chance to participate and
express their views. The focus of micro analysis is one specific core problem in the
steps / formats of the discussion are as follows:
A. Introduction
B. Statement of Purpose
C. Problem Presentation
D. Summarization
E. Consensus building
lies in the problem exploration done by the team. There is a free-flowing discussion of all the
problems in the community. In the same manner, the facilitator will ask the causes of each of the
problems presented. This type of analysis, though very exhaustive, may not focus on a core problem
but on so many core problems. This may cause confusion on the part of the group as to what
problem should be given priority. The group community planners can pick up the problems which can
be given attention and later conduct an in-depth micro-analysis of the problems identified.
Macro analysis
method of facilitation is the same, only the presentation
may differ. The tree is composed of roots, trunk and crown. These parts will be used in
analyzing the problem. The core problem will be identified first, to be written in the
center inside the box. The facilitator will ask the participants on what causes the core
Problem tree analysis