Chap2 Flashcards
abrupt or acute smart
be exposed to
to become aware of, to gain experience in
bring in
to hire or recruit, to cause to appear
a quick look
ex: We glimpsed the ruined abbey from the windows of the train.
made of
to consist of
obsolete, not currently in use
to strengthen, support
ex: Airport officials received a stream of verbal abuse from angry passengers whose flights had been delayed.
able to be paid for, not too expensive The company’s first priority was to find an affordable phone system Obviously, the computer systems that are affordable for a Fortune 500 company will not be affordable for a small company
as needed
as necessary The courier service did not come every day, only as needed The service contract states that repairs will be made on an as-needed basis
to occur again or repeatedly The subject of decreasing sales recurs on each meeting, sometimes several times The managers did not want that particular error to recur => recurrence: Every recurrence of the same problem costs us money => Recurring: Recurring problems waste time and money
stay on top of
to know what is going on, to know the lastest information In order to stay on top of her employees’ progress, she arranged weekly breakfast meetings In this industry, you must stay on top of current developments
a supply (n) to keep on hand (v) The office’s stock of toner for the fax machine was quickly running out The employees stocked the shelves on a weekly basis
to designate for a specific purpose The office manager did not allocate enough money to purchase software The architects must allocate enough space for the word processing department
able to function together This operating system is not compatible with this model computer Users of software applications want new versions to be compatible with current versions