Chap 6 Political And Trade Forces Flashcards
Unlawful acts of violence committed for a wide variety of reasons, including for ransom to overthrow a government, to gain release of imprisoned colleagues, to exact revenge for real or imagined wrongs and to punish nonbelievers of the terrorists’ religion
The transfer of public sector assets to private sector, the transfer of management of state activities through contracts and leases, and the contracting out of activities previously conducted by the state
Characteristics of a government that maintains itself in power and whose fiscal, monetary, and political policies are predictable and not sudden, radical changes.
Characteristics of a government that cannot maintain itself in power or that makes sudden unpredictable or radical policy changes
Country risk assessment (CRA)
An evaluation, conducted by a bank or business, that assesses a country’s economic situation and policies and its politics to determine how much risk exists of losing an investment or not being paid
Selling a product abroad for less than the cost of production, the price in the home market, or the price to third countries
Financial contributions, provided directly or indirectly by a government, which confer a benefit, including grants, preferential tax treatment, and government assumption of normal business expenses
Countervailing duties
Additional import taxes levied on imports that have benefited from export subsidies
Taxes on imported goods for the purpose of raising their price to reduce competition for local producers or stimulate local production
Ad valorem duty
An import duty levied as a percentage of the invoice value of imported goods
Specific duty
A fixed sum levied on a physical unit of an imported good
Compound duty
A combination of specific and ad valorem duties
Variable levy
An import duty set at the difference between world market prices and local government-supported prices.
Nontariff Barrie’s (NTBs)
All forms of discrimination against imports other than import duties
Numerical limits placed on specific classes of imports