Chap 6--classical conditioning Flashcards
Classical Conditioning
Learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus; because of this pairing, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus with the same power as the unconditioned stimulus to elicit the response in the organism.
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
A stimulus that naturally and reliably evokes a response in the person or animal
Unconditioned Response (UR)
The response that is naturally and reliably elicited by the unconditioned stimulus.
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
A stimulus that does not initially elicit the unconditioned response in a person or animal.
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
A stimulus that was once neutral but, through association with the unconditioned stimulus, now has the power to elicit the response in the person or animal.
Conditioned Response (CR)
After conditioning has occurred, the response that is elicited in the person or animal by the conditioned stimulus.
The degree to which two stimuli occur close together in time -If two far apart, stimulus may not be associated.
The degree to which the presentation of one stimulus reliably predicts the presentation of another stimulus. -both this and Contiguity are needed for classical conditioning.
Stimulus Generalization
Responding in a like fashion to similar stimuli. -bitten by Belgian, but is also afraid of any dogs that looks like a Belgian, such as Dutch or German Sheps.
Stimulus Discrimination
Responding only to a particular stimulus. -only afraid of Belgians
Taste Aversion
Classical conditioning that occurs when an organism pairs the experience of nausea with a certain food and becomes conditioned to feel ill at the sight, smell, or idea of that food.
Biological Prepraredness
A genetic tendency to learn certain responses very easily.
The removal of a conditioned response.
The process of learning a conditioned response or behavior.
Aversion Therapy
A type of therapy that uses classical conditioning to condition people to avoid certain stimuli. -Using taste aversion on those addicted to alcohol is one example.
Spontaneous Recovery
During extinction, the tendency for a conditioned response to reappear and strengthen over a brief period of time before re-extinguishing.