Chap 5: Medical Informatics Flashcards
Which governmental office was created to help lead the nation into a better IT infrastructure?
Office of the national coordinator for healthcare information technology (ONCHIT)created within the department of health and human services by executive order from President Bush.
What was the primary task of ONCHIT?
To create the US national health information network (NHIN) with timelines for achieving certain goals.
What are the four overarching goals of NHIN?
- Inform clinical practice
- Interconnect clinicians
- Personalize care
- Improve population health
What community was established under the aegis of ONCHIT?
American health information community, AHIC. Broad-based charge directed at engaging public and private sectors to provide for strategic direction and facilitate implementation of a national health information infrastructure.
We are on ICD 9, going to ICD 10. Which CPT code set are we on?
CPT-4, going to CPT-5.
What the CPT stand for?
Current procedural terminology
What does ICD-10-CM stand for?
International classification of diseases, clinical modification, for clinical use.
What does ICD-10-PCS stand for?
This is the procedural classification system created by CMS to have increased flexibility to accommodate new technologies more quickly than ICD-9-CM.
Who develops the CPT codes?
The American Medical Association, AMA
What does SNOMED stand for, and what is it for?
Systematized nomenclature of medicine, created for indexing the entire medical record, including signs and symptoms, diagnoses and procedures.
Promoted as a system through which detailed clinical information can be shared across specialties, sites of care and various IT platforms.
What does UMLS stand for, who developed it, and what is it for?
Unified medical language system, developed by the national Library of medicine, provides an electronic link between clinical vocabularies and medical literature from disparate sources based on semantics.
What is the difference between data validity and reliability?
Validity: the degree to which the measure is associated with what it purports to measure
Reliability: the degree to which the quality measure is for you from random error
What does HL-7 stand for, and what is it?
Health level seven, communicates orders, referrals, diagnostic results and visit notes across healthcare entities. Data structure for records sent between systems.
Created by the American national standards Institute.
What is LOINC?
Logical observation identifiers, names and codes.
Originally created for laboratory test results it has been an expanded to encompass a database of names, synonyms and codes and can also capture clinical measurements.
What does DRG stand for, how many DRG codes are there, and how are they categorized?
Diagnosis-related groups, 498 groups by diagnosis, major surgical procedure, age, sex and presence of a complication or comorbidity.
Usually used for Medicare hospital payments.
What is APR-DRG?
All patient refined diagnosis-related groups. Diagnosis based severity level to account for a patient’s level of illness.
What is the difference between SNOMED and HL-7?
SNOMED is a standardized code for certain illnesses, HL-7 is a standardized language between systems. HL-7 is the most common language used for translating information between systems.
What are the three common data storage systems?
- Operational data store
- Data warehouses
- Data marts
What is the difference between the three major types of data storage systems?
- Operational data stores offer real-time data, process-oriented for an individual patient, and drive clinical decision support systems.
- Data warehouses are for population data and strategic decision support for the enterprise, serving a managerial function.
- Data marts are department oriented, smaller in scope, cheaper, and built for a specific analytical purpose.
Review p 97 for episodes, ETGs, mEG, dz staging
What five functions should an EMR serve, according to the Foundation for Accountability?
- The basics: access to care
- Staying healthy: preventive health services and health behaviors.
- Getting better when ill
- Living with illness: coordinating chronic health conditions
- Changing needs and end-of-life care.
What percentage of total healthcare expenditures are related to transactional friction, steps and processes that do not add value?
Which IOM report gave a clear imperative to develop health information infrastructure in the US?
Crossing the Quality Chasm