Chap 5 Junctional Rhythms Flashcards
What is normally the hearts pacemaker
SA node
The job of the ______ is to slow the rate of conduction of an electrical impulse before it reaches the ventricles
Atrioventricular node
What are rhythms originating from the AV Junction called
Junctional Dysrhythmias
This occurs when an irritable site within the AV junction fires before the next SA node impulse is ready to fire
Premature junctional complex
What is an ectopic rhythm that begins in the pacemaker cells found in the bundle of His?
Junctional tachycardia
A rhythm that begins in the AV bundle with a rate of less than 40 bpm is called
Junctional bradycardia
A rhythm that begins in the AV bundle, characterized by a very regular ventricular rate of 40 to 60 bpm is called
Junctional escape rhythm
Which of the following is most important when differentiating between a PAC and a PJC?
T wave
A _______ is several sequential junctional escape beats
Junctional rhythm
If the AV junction speeds up and fires at a rate of 61 to 100 bpm the resulting rhythm is called
Accelerated junctional rhythm