Chap 2 Basic Electrophysiology Flashcards
What is the ability of a cardiac muscle cells to respond to an external stimulus?
What kind of cells are also called working cells or mechanical cells
Myocardial cells
What are the elements or compounds that break into charged particles when melted or dissolved in water or another solvent?
This period extends from the end of phase 3 to the beginning of phase 4 of the cardiac action potential.
Supranormal period
What is located in the upper portion of the interventricular septum and connects the AV node with the bundle branches?
Bundle of His
This is the spread of an impulse through tissue already stimulated by the same impulse?
Action potential
This refers to an adhesive pad containing a conductive substance in the center.
In the standard limb leads, this records the difference in electrical potential between the left leg and right arm
Lead II
In the standard limb leads, this records the difference in electrical potential between the L arm and the R arm electrodes.
Lead I
This is a waveform and a segment