Chap 4 Flashcards
Gatsbys corruption
“One time he killed a man”
All the wealthy are bothered about, what they use gatsby for
“Cocktails and flowers”
Gatsby centre of social world
List of people who came to his parties
“All these people came to Gatsby’s house in the summer”
Gatsby car
Reflects dream
“Gatsbys gorgeous car”
“Rich, cream colour”
“Monstrous length”
Gatsby impatient
Always wants more
“He was never quite still; there was always a tapping foot somewhere”
Reality of gatsby as nick romatices him
“Found, to my disappointment that he had little to say”
Gatsby justification
“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea of me from all these stories you hear”
Gatsbys reality / lie / what he wants to escape
“I am son of some wealthy people in middle west”
“Something a little sinister about him, after all”
“I liked like a young rajah”
Nicks buys into Gatsbys
Nick romantices him
“My incredulity was submerged in fascination now”
What gatsby is afraid of
“I didn’t want you to think I was just some nobody”
Mrs Wilson in valley of ashes
Wants to he noticed
“Panting vitality”
Why is New York sigbucsnt ?
City of dreams
New York setting dream like
“Wild promises of all the mystery and the beauty in the world”
“Anything can happen now”
Introduction to mr wolfshiem
Corruption within dream - reality
“Finest specimen of human molar “
Tom comes into restaurant and speaks with nick but gatsby leaves
“I turned toward mr gatsby but he was no longer there”
Can’t face Reality
Shows Tom defeats gatsby
Jordan describes love between gatsby and daisy
“So engrossed in each other”
“Looked ya daisy … in a way that every young girl wants to be looked at”
Daisy as passive
“Next day at 5 o clock she married Tom Buchanan without so much as a shiver”
Despite changing her mind the night before
Wreckless behaviour of rich
“Rich and wild”
Daisy came out with an “absolutely perfect reputation”
Nick understands everything
“Gatsby thought that house so daisy would be just across the bay”
“Not been merely the stars to which he has aspired on that June night”
“Purposeless splendour” - gatsby both from own dream
Gatsby romantic / dream
“He had waited 5 years and bought a mansion”
Nick doesn’t romantices Jordan
“Scornful mouth smiled”
“Limited person”
Introduction to Gatsbys crime. List of people at his party (not daisy) Nick and Gatsby go to lunch in newyork Meet me wolfshiem - corruption. Meet Tom - reality. Jordan reveals to nick that Gatsby wants daisy to go to her house so they can meet again