Chap 3 and 4 Flashcards
is the one who’s include in planning, designing, overseeing projects as well as managing finances and supervising one or more Engineering teams
engineer manager
they are responsible for setting clear goals, assigning task, and monitoring progress.
engineer manager
A ____, which is the output of ______, provides a methodical way of achieving desired results
plan, planning
refers to “the management function that involves anticipating future trends and determining the best strategies and tactics to achieve organizational objectives”. -Nikels and others
the selection and subsequential ordering of tasks required to achieve an organizational goal
Planning is “the selection and subsequential ordering of tasks required to achieve an organizational goal”.
-______ and _____
Aldag and Streans
the deciding what will be done, who will do it, where, when, and how it will be done and the standards to which it will be done.
-by whom
Planning, Cole and Hamilton
selecting the best course of action so that the desired result may be achieved
middle management level
intermediate planning
level of strategic planning
top management level
lower management level - _____ planning
can be considered the highest level among the three, as it involves definitions that impact the company as a whole. Its main objective is to answer the questions: “where are we?” and “where do we want to go?”.
Strategic Planning
relates to the implementation of everything that has been defined at the strategic level. In other words, this is where goals are transformed into concrete and executable actions
Tactical/Intermediate Planning
works on the daily activities of the organization and focuses on answering the question: “how will we execute our goals and tactical plans?”. Thus, it must respect and reflect the guidelines already established in the previous levels.
Operational Planning
- setting organizational, divisional, or unit goals
- developing strategies or tactics to reach those goals
- determining resources needed and
- setting standards.
can be define as the “ precise statement of result sought, quantified in time and magnitude were possible”
- After determining the goals, the next task is to devise some means to realize them
may be defined as “a course of action aimed at ensuring that the organization will achieve its objectives”.
is a short-term action taken by management to adjust to negative internal or external influences.
it is the effective management of the workforce to ensure the successful completion of construction projects within budget and on schedule.
human resources
Are the equipment and supplies needed to complete task.
Ex: bulldozer, excavator, loaders, drills, and concrete mixers
Non-human Resources
may be defined as “a quantitative or qualitative measuring device designed to help monitor the performances of people, capital goods, or processes.”
The standards for measuring performance may be set at the planning stage.
refers to the process of determining the major goals of the organixation and the policies and strategies for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals
strategic planning
the decision about long range goals and the course of action to achieve these goals
strategic plan
refers to the process determining the contributions that subunits can make with allocated resources
intermediate planning
refers to the process of determining how specific tasks can best accomplished on time with available resources
operational management
this is the written document or blueprint for implementing and controlling an organization’s marketing activities related to a particular marketing strategy.
Marketing plan
this is a written document that states the quantity of output a company must produce in broad terms and by product family.
Production plan
it is a document that summarizes the current financial situation of the firm, analyzes financial needs, and recommends a direction for financial activities
Financial plan
it is a document that indicates the human resource needs of a company detailed in terms of quantity and quality and based on the requirements of the company’s strategic plan.
Human resource management plan
-Marketing plan
-Production plan
-Financial plan
-Human resource management plan
Plans these are plans intended to cover a period of less than one year. First-line supervisors are mostly concerned with these plans.
Short-range Plans
these are plans covering a time span of more than one year. These are mostly undertaken by middle and top management.
Long-range Plans
Plans with time horizon incudes;
-Short rage plans
-Long-range Plans
- Standing Plans and
- Single-use Plans.
These are plans that are used again and again, and they focus on managerial situations that recur repeatedly,
they are broad guidelines to aid managers at every level in making decisions about recurring situations or function.
they are plans that describe the exact series of actions to be taken in a given situation
they are statements that either require or forbid a certain action.
Standing plans may be further classified as follows:
These plans are specifically deve- loped to implement courses of action that are relatively unique and are unlikely to be repeated.
Single-use plans may be further classified as follows:
- Budgets
- programs
according to Weston and Brigham, is “a plan which sets forth the projected expenditure for a certain activity and explains where the required funds will come from.
- a single-use plan designed to coordinate a large set of activities.
a single-use plan that is usually more limited in scope than a program and is sometimes prepared to support a program.
- Projects
Planning may be successful if the following are observed:
- Recognize the planning barriers
- Use of aids to planning
According to Plunkett and Attner planning barriers are as follows:
- Manager’s inability to plan
- Improper planning process
- Lack of commitment to the planning process
- Improper information
- Focusing on the present at the expense of the future
- Too much reliance on the planning department
- Concentrating only on the controllable variables
Among the aids to planning that may be used are:
- Gather as much information as possible
- Develop multiple sources of information
- Involve others in the planning process
- Company or corporate mission
- Objective or goals
- Strategies
refers to the strategic statement that indentifies why organization exist, its philosophy of management and its purpose as distinguished from other similar organization in terms of products, services and markets.
company of corporate mission
is a management function which refers to “the structuring of resources and activities to accomplish objectives in an efficient and effective manner
The arrangement or relationship of positions within an organization
when structuring an organization, the engineer manager must be concerned with the following
- Division of Labor
- Delegation of Authority
- Departmentation
- Span of Control
- Coordination
determining the scope of work and how it is commited in a job
Division of Labor
the process of assigning various degrees of decision making authority to subordinates
Delegation of Authority
The grouping related jobs, activities, or processes into major organizational units
the number of people who report directly to a given manager
Span of Control
the linking of activities in the organization that serves to achieve a common goal or objective
The Formal structure is described management through:
- Organization chart
- Organizational manual
- Policy manuals
“the structure that details lines of responsibilites, authority, and position”
it is diagram of the organizationals official positions and formal line of authority
Organization chart
it provides written description of authority relationships, details the functions of major organizational units and describe job procedures.
Organizational manual
describes personnel activities and company policies
Policy manuals
There are instances when members of an organization spontaneously form a group with friendship as a called at principal reason for belonging. This group is ____
informal group
according to ___ “its low visibility,___ added, makes it “difficult for management to detect these perversions and considerable harm can be done to the company”
Organizations may be classified into three types:
- functional organization
-product or market organization
-matrix organization
this is a form of departmentalization in which everyone engaged in one functional activity.
Functional organization
this refers to the organization of a company by divisions that brings together all those involved with a certain type of product or costumer
an organizational structure in which each employee reports to both functional or division manager and to a project or group manager
____ ____ structures are very effective in smaller firms especially “single-business frims where key activities revovle around well-defined skills and area of specialization”
Functional organization
_______ declared that “the matrix structure was designed to keep employees in a central pool and to allocate them to various projects in the firm according to the length of time they were needed.
the ____ or _____ organization with its feature of operating by divisions is”appropriate for a large corporation with many product lines in several related industries
according to Thompson and Strickland, “is a structure with two (or more) channels of command, two lines of budget authority, and two sources of performance and reward.
matrix organization
Manager’s right to tell subordinates what to do and then see that they do it.
Line Authority
Staff specialist’s right to give advice to a superior.
- Staff Authority
Staff officers may be classified into the following:
-Personal staff
-Specialized staff
Those individuals assigned to a specific manager to provide needed staff services
Personal staff
Those individuals providing needed staff services for the whole organization.
Specialized staff
Specialist’s right to overseas lower level personnel involved in that specialty, regardless of where the personnel are in the organization.
- Functional authority
________ are very useful most especially to engineering firms. When a certain concern, like product development, a committee is usually formed to provide the necessary line-up of expertise needed to achieve certain objectives
Committees may be classified as follows:
- Ad hoc committee
- Standing committee
one created for a short-term purpose and have a limited life.
- Ad hoc committee
it is a relatively permanent committee that deals with issues on an ongoing basis.
Standing committee