CHAP: 2 The Cell and Its Functions Flashcards
what are the 2 major parts of a cell?
Nucleus & Cytoplasm
Nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a ?
Nuclear membrane
_ from the surrounding fluids by a cell membrane
different substance that make up the cell are collectively called?
protoplasm composed of 5 basic substances, what are these?
the principal fluid medium of the cell is, THIS IS PRESENT IN MOST CELL but NOT PRESENT in FAT CELL
water concentration ranges to?
70-85 %
what are the 5 important ions?
- Potassium
- magnesium
- phosphate
- sulfate
- bicarbonate
the second most abundant substance after water,
protein constitutes about how many percent of cell mass?
this type of protein are present in cell mainly in form of long filaments that are polymers of many individual proetin molecule.
Structural protein
are found especially in the collagen and elastin fibers of connective tissue and in blood vessel walls, tendons, ligaments, and so forth.
Fibrilar proteins
this protein are composed of combinations of few moleculed in tubular-globular form, this protein are mainly enzyme of the cell.
Functional protein
cells also contains highly organized physical structure called???
Intracellular organelles
_______ is also called plasma membranem it envelopes the cell, a thin pliable elastic structure, composed of protein & lipids.
Cell membrane
_______ is a lipid barrier of the cell membrane impedes water penetration, or a thin double-layered film of lipids.
Lipid bilayer
the phosphate end of lipid bilayer is?
while phosphate end is hydrophilic, the fatty acid is a?
______ are also lipid in nature because steroid nucleus is highly fat soluble, it mainly help determine the degree of permeability of the bilayer of water soluble of body fluids.
Cholesterol molecules
what are the important lipids?
Phospholipids & cholesterol
______ is also called Neutral fat often accoubt for as much as 95% of the cell mass.
have little structure function in the cell, except as part of glycoprotein molecule but play a major role in njtrituon of the cell.
carbohydrateamounts average about_____ of total mass?
carbohydrates increase how much ______ in muscle cell?
carbohydates increase how much in liver cells?
carbohydtare can be stored in cell in form of_____, which is insoluble [olymer of glucose that can be depolymerized
______ are globular masses floating in the lipid bilayer.
______ this protein protude all the way through the membrane
Integral protein
______ this protein attached only to one surface of the membrane % do not penetrate all the way though.
Peripheral protein
integral proteins provide this ______ through which water molecules, water soluble substance, ions diffuses between the extracellular & intracellular fluids.
Channels or Pores
other integral protein act as?
- Carrrier proteins
- Receptors
- Second messenger
_______occur almost invariably in combination with proteins or lipids in the form of glycoproteins or glycolipids.
Membrane carbohydartes
_______ are the entire outside surface of the cell often has a loose carbohydrate coat
____ are mainly cabohydrates substance bound to small protein cores & are loosely attached to the outer surface of the cell as well.
are the clear fluid portion of the cytoplasm in whcih the particles are dispersed. It contains mainly dissolved proteins, electrolytes & glucose.
5 special important organelles:
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
the space inside the tubule & vesicles is filled w/ this, awatery medium that is different from the fluid in the cytosol.
Endoplasmic matrix
______ are attached to the outer surface of many parts of the enoplasmic reticulum; this are large numbers of minute granular particles.
Ribosomes are composed of a mixture of?
rough E.R function is to synthesized?
smooth E.R fucntion is to syntesized?
Lipid substance
what part of endoplasmic reticulum has no attached ribosomes this part is called _______
agranular or smooth endoplasmic reticulum
this apparatus is prominent in secretory cell, where it’s located on the side on the side of the cell from which the secretory substance are extruded.
Golgi apparatus
are vesicular organ that form by breaking off from Golgi apparatus & dhen dispensing throughout the cytoplasm.
_______ are capable of splitting an organic compound into 2 or more parts by combining hydrogen from a water molecule w/one part of the compound & combining the hydroxyl portion of the water molecule w/the other part of compound.
_______similar to lysosomes but different i 2 important ways,
2 reasons for peroxisomes that differes in lysosomes.
- they are believed to be formed by SELF REPLICATION
- contain OXIDASE rather than hydrolases
a highly oxidizing substances & is used in association w/ catalase
Hydrogen peroxide H202
________ are formes by the endoplasmic reticulum & golgi apparatus & released in the cytoplasm to form storgae vesicle called?
Precursor protein polymerized to form ?
primary function of microtubles is to act _______,
without them the cells would be unable to extract enough energy from the nutrients & all cellular functions would cease.
_____ is the control center of the cell, contains large quantities of DNA which are genes, that determine the characteristics of the cell protein.
during this phase nucles reveal a darkly staines chromatin material thoughout the nucleoplasm.
during ______ chromatin material organizes in the form of highly structural chromosomes.
also called nuclear enveloped is actually separated by bilayer membrane, and is penetraed by thousand of nuclear pores
Nuclear membrane
_______are distinct structure found within the cell, primary involved in the assembly of ribosomes
these ribosomes can engaged in protein synthesis by reading the genetic code carried by messenger RNA (mRNA)
Functional ribosomes
_____ is essential life-giving constituent of the small virus, embedded in the coat of protein
Nucleic acid
______ simple movemet throught the membrane caused by the random motion of the molecule of the substance.
______ actual carrying of a substance through the membrane
Active transport
______ means ingestion of minute particle that form the vesicles of the ECF & particulate consitituents inside the cell cytoplasm.
______ ingestion of large particles sucj as bacteria, whole cells & portion of degenerating tissue.
pinocytosis is also known as ?
what is the size of pinosome,
100-200 in diametes
pinosomes can only be seem in?
electron microscope
3 bacterial agents of lysosomes :
- Lysozyme
- Lysoferrin
- Acid pH of 5.0
_______ dissolved the bacterual cell membrane
______ bind iron & other substances before they can promote bacterial growth.
______ activated the hydrolases & inactivate bacterial metabolic system.
Acid pH of 5.0
most synthesized occur in?
3 substance synthesized by S.E. R
______ where carbohydrates are added to proteins & lipids, for modifying their function.
_______ it plays a crucial role in replenishing cellular membrane through a process of membrane trafficking.
Intracellular vesicles
this process is essential for maintaining the integrity & functionality of various cellular organelles & compartments.
Membrane trafficking
nucleotide is composed of :
- Nitrogenous base adenine
- Pentose sugar ribose
- three phosphate radicals
the last 2 phosphate radicals are connected with the remainder of the molecule by so called high energy phosphate
High energy phosphate bond
when ATP release it’s energy a phosphoric acid radicals split away to formed?
Adenosine diphosphate
ATP promote 3 major categories of cellular functions.
- Transport
- synthesis
- mechanical work
how many % of atp is formed in the mitochondria?
95 %
what are the 2 types of movement
- Ameboid movement
- Ciliary movement
______ is a movement of entire cell, such as WBC in tissue, & Fibroblast
most importnant initiator of ameboid locomotion is the process called?
any chemical substance that causes chemotaxis to occur is called ?
Chemotactic substance
from an area of lower concentration toward an area of higher concentration is called, cells move toward the source of?
Positive chemotaxis
cells move away from the source which called.
Negative chemotaxis
______ is a whip like moement of cilia on the surfaces of the cell 10 to 20 time per second
Ciliary movements
Types of Cells That Exhibit Ameboid Locomotion
a. wbc
b. fibroblasts
c. embryonic cells
ciliary movements occur in
- respiratory airways
- uterine tubes
flagellum movement
quasi-sinusoidal waves
Each cilium is an outgrowth of a structure
that lies immediately beneath the cell membrane
basal body
nine double tubules and the two single tubules of cilia are all linked to one another by a complex of protein cross-linkages
ions required for cilium
calcium and magnesium
it has ATPase enzymatic activity, project from each double tubule toward an adjacent double tubule
secreted later through the outer cell membrane into the pancreatic duct and thence into the duodenum, where
they become activated and perform digestive functions on the food in the intestinal tract