Chap 2 Flashcards
Commerce,and slave compromise
Protecting slave holders, denied congress power tax the export
Petition right
Signed by Charles 1 established the idea that even the monarchy must obey the law
Albany Plan of Union
1754 attempt to address colonial trade and unite during the French and Indian war
Articles of Confederation
1st constitution of USA drafted during the revolution 1777
A written grant of authority from the king/least restricted/ direct control of the people/ royal colonies restricted
Anti Federalist
Those persons who opposed the ratification of the constitution 1787-1788
Drafted the rights will of people
Group of delegates sent to Philadelphia 1787summer 5
Limited government
Gov not all powerful the idea that government is restricted in what it may do
Philadelphia convention
Revise the article of confederation
Popular sovereignty
Direct control of the proprietary William pen appointed governor
Majority had to adjourn
New Jersey plan
Called for unicameral legislature in which each side would be equally represented
Formal approval, final consent to the effectiveness of a constitution, constitutional amendment, or treaty
Representative government
Gov should serve the will of peopl 3 important documents Mayan carta petition right, English bill rights
Direct control of the crown king 8
New York
Congress met the first time in New York
Magnant carts
Established the idea that the monarchy’s power in England was not absolute
Legislature having 2 houses
2nd continental congress
1st time all colonies united. 1st national government during the war for independence
An adjective describing a legislature body with one chamber
Virginia plan
Plan presented by delegates from 3 branch for with a bicameral legislature in eh chi each states memberships would be determined by its population or its financial support to the central government
Shays rebellion
Revolt against land home for closures
Three fifths compromise
Count a slave 3/5 of a person when determining the population of a state
1st to approve the constitution dec 7
Thomas Jefferson becomes key vote they ratify
North Carolina
Last 2 to ratify 1789