Chap. 2 & 5 Flashcards
What is encoding and decoding? 
It’s the way in which we take the ideas in our head and translate them into a form that we can do something with 
What was one of the first ways of encoding? 
What was one of the first technological inventions of the digital communication era
The transistor invented in 1947 
What does the micro processor do? 
It’s the tiny chip that goes inside computers and enables people to do more with ones and zeros. It also made computers, more affordable, and portable. 
What did fiber optics help with? 
Fiber, optics allowed more computers to connect with each other and more information to be shared. Also making it more accessible to different areas. 
What does technological determinism suggest. Is it a way of thinking?
Technological determinism is a way of thinking about tech. Is it just that take appears out of nowhere and changes everything. Basically says the tech determines how we live.
Who was the Internet in initially built for? 
It was initially developed for in by the government during the start of the Cold War. 
What were the primary reasons according to lecture about why the Internet was developed? 
The primary reasons were for the military, communication for during warfare and for research. 
What taste culture and environment significantly impacted the ideas in the value of the Internet? 
Universities, academics, and large research companies or the environment and taste culture that significantly impacted the Internet.
What did the Teays culture give to the Internet? 
Open source ethos. Which is based in the idea that the Internet and information ship should be free, ideas, and info should be able to move freely and be free. 
What is Transmedia storytelling? 
It’s a type of storytelling across many different media channels. This can create world building, and the universe is, which is common in action, packed media and interactive media. Some examples would be iCarly, American idol, and fantasy football. 
Who is most likely to get a utopian perspective on media? 
Tech companies 
What are the three aspects and forces of the Internet and digital communication 
Number one democratize is access to info. Number two it democratize is the production of information (can lead to more misinformation and this information and causes there to be really any gate. Keepers and people can drop the free-speech argument ), and number three and enables manipulation of the information (allows consumers to do things with the media that consume, such as remix ).
What is an example of satellite radio? 
What is remediation and what is an example it can apply to 
Remediation is something that happens all the time due to humans trying to make sense of new technology through the lens of old technology. A great example would be streaming services like Spotify using the word radio on the platform. 
What what were the most famous genres of radio when it was born? 
Sitcoms, soap operas, political, commentary, and minstrel. 
 What’s another word for the electromagnetic spectrum? 
The Ether