chap 2 Flashcards
Mekanisme pernafasan
Lubang hidung
Rongga hidung
Menarik nafas
- otot interkostal mengecut dan menarik sangkar rusak bergerak ke atas dan keluar
- otot diafragma mengecut dan menarik diafragma bergerak ke bawah dan meleper
- pergerakan sangkar rusuk dan diafragma menjadikan rongga toraks lebih besar dan menyebabkan tekanan udara di dalam rongga toraks berkurang.
Menghantar nafas
- otot interkostal mengendur dan sangkar rusuk bergerak ke bawah dan ke dalam
- otot diafragma mengendur dan melengkung ke atas
- pergerakan sangkar rusuk dan diafragma menjadikan rongga toraks mengecil dan menyebabkan tekanan udara di dalam rongga toraks bertambah.
- Alveolus
oxygen is diffuse thru the walls of alveolus into the walls of capillaries and into the blood
- oxygen trasnports to whole body
Blood with oxyhaemoglobin in transported in lungs to heart to other parts
- Blood
Haemoglobin + oxigen = oxyhaemoglobin ( unstable compound)
- Cell
When blood reaches to low concentration area, oxyhaemoglobin decompose to oxygen molecules
Oxyhaemoglobin = haemoglobin + oxygen
- Respiration in cell
In body cells, process of cellular respiration occurs
Glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + energy
- C02 transport to alveolus
CO2 diffuses into blood capillaries, transports to alveolus to get removed during exhalation
Carbon monoxide
source = smoke , vehicle
carbon monoxide + haemoglobin = carboxyhaemoglobin
Sulphur dioxide
source = combustion of charcoal in power station
cough, difficulty breathing
Nitrogen Dioxide
source = combustion of fuels (petrols or diesel)
cough difficulty breathing
Haze , dust and pollen
source = motor vehicle exhaust
Stoma open
during photosynthesis when there is light
Stoma close
when gets dark / on a hot day