Chap 10 Flashcards
Drainage basin
total area drained by a stream and its tributaries
A ridge separating adjacent drainage basins
Continental Divide
A divide separating streamins flowing into different ocean or sea
Dendritic Drainage pattern (dp)
resembles tree branches or veins in a leave
Radial (dp)
A number of streams originate on a mountain and flow outward
Tribuatries join one another at right angles
Parallel main streams with short tributaries at right angles
Stream Velocity
Distance time
Stream gradient
Vertical drop/horizontal distance
Stream discharge
Volume of water that flows past a given point i a unit of time
Sediment is eroded by
Hydraulic action
Bed load
Particles are transported on or directley above the stream bed
a traction
b saltation
Suspended load
Particles light enough to remain lifted above the bottom by water turbulence
Dissolved load
Ions from chemical weathering, that are carried in solution by a stream.
Braided Streams
Interconnected channels and mid channel bars