Chap. 1 Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Flashcards
Glial Cells
aka neuroglia, include astrocytes, oligodendroglia, ependymal cells, and microglia.
as part of the PNS, they are called Schwann cells and satellite cells. The do not transmit nerve impulses, they mainly support and protect the nerve cells.
most important type of nerve cell, receive information from other neurons, process that information, and then transmit the info to other neurons
has 2 parts: nerve fibers and the soma, or cell body which contains the nucleus
short fibers that extend from the cell body. They receive neural impulses generated from the axons of other cells, they transmit those impulses to the cell body.
longer fibers, have terminal or end buttons at the tip. The end buttons contain neurotransmitters. They send out impulses generated within the neuron, these impulses are sent away from the cell body to other neurons.
white insulating sheath that covers the ends of the axons
Nervous System
organization of nerves according to specific spatial, structural, and functional principles
junctions through which neurons communicate, consists of the terminal button of one neuron, the receptive site of another neuron and the synaptic cleft or space between the two
Neural Transmission
chemical process of information exchange at the level of the synapse.
a chemical contained within the terminal buttons, helps make contact between two cells by diffusing itself across the synaptic space.
3 basic types of neurons
motor neurons, sensory neurons, and interneurons
Sensory Neurons
aka afferent neurons, carry sensory impulses from the peripheral sense organs toward the brain
Motor Neurons
AKA efferent neurons, transmit impulses away from the CNS. Motor neurons cause glandular secretions or muscle contractions (movement)
most common type of neuron in the nervous system, link neurons with other neurons and therefore play an important role in controlling movement