Channel Pathways Flashcards
connects with the Large Intestine
Lung Pathway
originates in the middle portion of the body cavity
Lung Pathway
from the internal zone between the lungs and the THROAT, it emerges to the surface of the body under the clavicle
Lung Pathway
another section branches off just above the wrist and runs down the radial side of the tip of the index finger
Lung Pathway
on the top of the shoulder the meridians divides into two branches
Large Intestine Pathway
first of these branches enters the body and passes through the LUNG, diaphragm, and the LARGE INTESTINE
Large Intestine Pathway
the second of these branches ascends externally along the neck, passes through the cheek
Large Intestine Pathway
enters, internally the lower teeth and gums
Large Intestine Pathway
On the exterior, it continues, curving around the upper lip and crossing to the opposite side of the nose
Large Intestines Pathway
descending from there, lateral to the nose, it enters the upper gum
Stomach Pathway
curves around the the lips before passing along the side of the lower jaw bone and through the angle of the jaw
Stomach Pathway
it turns upward running, in front of the ear to the conner of the forehead
Stomach Pathway
a branch descends from the lower jaw
Stomach Pathway
enters the body, and descends through the diaphragm
Stomach Pathway
another brach leaves the lower jaw, but remains on the surface of the body as it crosses over the neck and chest, abdomen, and terminates in the groin
Stomach Pathway
to the outside of the knee… terminates at the lateral side of the middle toe
Stomach Pathway
a branch deviates just below the knee and ends at the lateral side of the middle toe
Stomach Pathway
a short branch also leaves from the top of the foot and terminates at the medial side of the big toe
Stomach Pathway
originates at the medial side of teh big toe
Spleen Pathway
pentrates internally to follow the throat
Spleen Pathway
up to the root of the tongue, under which it spreads its Qi & Blood
Spleen Pathway
an internal branch leaves the Stomach, passes upward through the diaphragm, and enters into the Heart, where it connects with the Heart Meridian
Spleen Pathway
one branch runs downward through the diaphragm to connect to the San Jiao
Heart Pathway
a second branch runs upward from the Heart along the side of teh throat to meet the eye….. (circles around the eye)
Heart Pathway
third branch runs across the chest from the Heart to the Lung, then descends and emerges in the underarm
Terminates at the inside tip of the little finger where it connects with the SI meridian
Heart Pathway
begins on the outside tip of the little finger
Small Intestine Pathway
upward along the posterior border of the lateral aspect of the upper arm
Small Intestine Pathway
circles behind the shoulder, runs to the center of the uppermost part of the back
Small Intestine Pathway
second branch ascends along the side of the neck
Small Intestine Pathway
to the check
Small Intestine
and outer corner of the eye before ENTERING the ear
Small Intestine Pathway
runs to the inner corner of the eye, where it connects with the Bladder
Small Intestines
starts at the inner side of the eye
across the forehead to the vertex of the head
a small branch splits off and enters into the brain
Bladder Pathway
bifurcates at the back of the neck
Bladder Pathway
connecting to the Kidney
Bladder Pathway
its pertaining organ, Bladder
terminates on the lateral side of the tip of the small toe, where it connects with the Kidney Meridian
Bladder Pathway
starts from the inferior aspect of the small toe
Kidney Pathway
ascends the medial side of the lower leg to the medial side of the knee crease
Kidney Pathway
climbs upward along the innermost aspect of the thigh
Kidney Pathway
penetrates the body near the base of the spine
Kidney Pathway
connects internally with the Kidney
Kidney Pathway
connects with the Bladder
Kidney Pathway
returning to the surface of the abdomen above the pubic bone and running upward over the abdomen and chest
Kidney Pathway
another branch… passes upward through the Liver and diaphragm and enters the Lung
Kidney Pathway
this branch continues along the throat and terminates at the root of the tongue
Kidney Pathway
a smaller branch leaves the Lungs and joins the Heart, and flows into the chest to connect with the pericardium meridian
Kidney Pathway
Begins in the chest
Pericardium Pathway
descends through the diaphragm to link the upper, middle, and lower portions of the San Jiao
Pericardium Pathway
a short branch splits off from the palm to connect with the San Jiao Meridian at the end of the ring finger
begins at the outside of the tip of the ring finger
San Jiao Pathway
reach the posterior shoulder region
San Jiao Pathway
internal branch passes from this point through Pericardium, penetrates the diaphragm
San Jiao Pathway
proceeds downward to unite the upper, middle, and lower burner
San Jiao Pathway
reaches the POSTERIOR border of the ear
San Jiao Pathway
interiorly circles the face
San Jiao Pathway
a short branch originates behind the ear, PENETRATES the ear, and emerges in front of the ear to reach the outer end of the eyebrow and connect with the Gall Bladder
San Jiao Pathway
begins at the outer corner of the eye
Gall Bladder Pathway
one branch remaining on the surface, weaves back and forth on the lateral aspect of the head before curving Behind the ear to reach the top of the shoulder
Gall Bladder Meridian
second branch internally tranverses the cheek
Gall Bladder Pathway
proceeds internally through the neck
Gall Bladder Pathway
chest to reach the Liver
Gall Bladder Pathway
its pertaining organ Gall Bladder
Gall Bladder
terminates at the lateral side of the tip of the fourth toe
Gall Bladder Pathway
a branch leaves the meridian just below the ankle to cross over the foot to the big toe, where it connects with the Liver meridians
Gall Bladder Pathway
begins on the top of the big toe
Liver Pathway
encircles the external genitalia
Liver Pathway
reconstituting itself the meridian follows the trachea upward to the throat
Liver Pathway
connects with the eyes, two branches leave the eye area
Liver Pathway
One descend across the cheek to the encircle the inner surface of the lips
Liver Pathway
a second branch ascends across the forehead to reach the vertex of the head
Liver Pathway
What organ Penetrates the Ear?
San Jiao
What organ circles behind the Ear?
Gall Bladder
What organ reaches the posterior border of the ear?
San Jiao
What organ enters the ear?
Small Intestine