Changing places (concept of place) Flashcards
Define place:
A location which has different meanings to different people
Define the aspects that characterise a place:
- Location
- Physical characteristics (e.g, topography)
- Locale - locations in a place associated with everyday life
- Flows in an out
- Sense of place = subjective and emotional attachment to a place
Define placelessness:
A particular landscape ‘could be anywhere’ because it lacks uniqueness
- e.g, most high streets have a Costa
- clones towns due to dominance of chain shops
What does the geographer Yi-Fu Tuan suggest about attachment?
Attachment to a place grows stronger over time
- e.g, through more experiences
- the greater the intensity (quality) and number of of experiences, the greater the depth of attachment
Define Topophilia and Topophobia:
Topophilia = love of a place and having a strong attachment to it
Topophobia = dislike of a place
Define Near and Far places:
Near = geographically near to us
- subjective
- likely to feel like insiders
Far = places that are distant
- likely to feel like outsiders
- may feel ‘far’ away emotionally even if physically close
How has globalisation affected peoples peoples experience of geographical distance?
- improvements in travel technology = far places quicker to get to (experienced easily / frequently)
- improvements in ICT = people become familiar with media places
- people remain closely connected with people / activities far away
Define experiences places:
Places we have actually visited
- experiences shape their sense of place
- stimulates our senses
Define media places:
Places we have not visited but may have learned through media representations
- created a sense of place through media
- can change our sense of place subconsciously
- media presents places in a particular way for a particular purpose
What is ‘Genius Loci’?
= the spirit of the place
- suggests every place has a unique spirit / atmosphere based on everything for the location it is made up of (now and in the past)
- often used in planning to describe the key characteristics
some ARGUE…
- place meanings are socially constructed
- e.g, the most widely held meanings benefit / are reproduced by the most powerful groups in society
Define ‘Insiders’:
Someone who is familiar with a place and feels welcome in that place (sense of belonging)
- e.g residents of a country, share the same cultural values, fluent in local language etc
Define ‘Outsiders’:
Someone who feels unwelcome / excluded from a place
- e.g, international migrants who don’t share the same cultural values / may not be familiar with norms, food, architecture etc
What is ‘Identity’?
Many people create the sense of who they are based on the places they feel connected to
What scales can a ‘shared identity’ be seen on?
Local (e.g, individuals from a village sharing a positive sense of that village)
Regional (e.g, sharing an accent)
National (e.g, individuals of a nation sharing a language, religion)
Why do ethnic groups cluster?
People feel more at home surrounded by other people of the same ethnicity
- the area will adapt towards the culture over time = attracts more