Changing places Flashcards
Why do people interact with places differently?
It depends on how the place is perceived
What is location?
Where a place is e.g co-ordinates
What is Locale?
How places are effected by people
What is sense of place?
The emotional attchment that people have to a place
What are the three famous geographers in relation to ‘place’ and what do they believe?
1 - Dorren massey - Place has lots of different meanings
2 - Y Fu Tuan - Space is freedom, place is security
3 - Tim Cresswell - He considers the social and cultural significance of place
What do we mean by a destructive approach?
It is the idea that the world is a set of places and each place can be studied and is distinct
What do we mean by a social constructionist approach, example?
This is the idea that place is a product of a particular set of social processes occuring at a particular time
e.g Trafalgar Square was built to commemorate a British naval victory and therefore, using a social constructionist approach, could be seen as a place of Colonialism
What do we mean by a phenomenological approach?
This is interested in how individuals experience place
What is the location of Glastonbury? (2)
1 - In SW England
2 - 510N 30S
What is the Locale of glastonbury? (3)
1 - Is historically rich due to King Arthur
2 - Associated with magic due to it’s connections with the sorcerer, Merlin
3 - Associated with partying due to the masses of festival goers at Glastonbury festival
What is Glastonburys sense of place? (2)
1 - Festival goers may view Glastonbury as an escape
2 - Religious due to it’s assocation with Paganism
What are three ways that foster a sense of local place? (3)
1 - Local newspaper
2 - Playing/watching sport
3 - Attending local events
How does a Local newspaper foster a sense of local place?
1 - Learn about new developments and events, making you feel ‘in the loop’
2 - It influences you as feels personal
How does Playing/Watching sports foster a sense of local place? (2)
1 - may know people on the team so feel a connection
2 - Promotes togetherness as the locals all supproting the same team
How does Attending local events foster a sense of local place? (2)
1 - Supproting local economy
2 - Promotes social cohesion
What is localism? (2)
1 - Concerned with your specific place
2 - Triggers NIMBYism
Regionalism? (2)
1 - You have a sense of loyalty attached to a place
2 - You are informed on a local area
What is Nationalism?
Having a loyalty to a nation which creates a snese of national consiouness
What does placemaking mean?
It is the deliberate shaping of a place to facilitate social intercation and improve a communit’s quality of life
What is homogenisation of place?
Places becoming identical or very similar
What is a clone town?
Settlements where the high street is dominated by chain stores
What does glocalisation mean? (2)
1 - Local places and cultures resisting the power of globalisation
2 - This forces MNC’s to adapt to the local marketplace
What is localisation of place?
The promotion of local goods and services and a greater focus on local place
What is the differnce between race and ethnicity when considering belonging? (2)
1 - Race based on biological charcteristcs e.g skin colour
2 - Ethnicity is beloning to a social group that has common national or cultural traditions