Changes and developments in financial reporting Flashcards
Growing Importance of Sustainability in Investing:
- Sustainability is increasingly recognized as impacting company financial performance.
- Investors are integrating sustainability considerations into decision-making.
- Understanding the broader social and environmental context builds trust and credibility with investors and reduces the risk of using inaccurate information.
Investor Preferences and Appetite:
- Investors prefer products that consider the relationship between investments and social/environmental conduct.
- There is a demand for a comprehensive understanding of companies and incorporation of material sustainability factors into investment decisions.
Sector-Specific Materiality:
- Material sustainability factors vary across sectors and industries.
- Sustainability analysis can differentiate between otherwise similar companies and influence investment decisions.
Data Availability and Analysis:
- Increasing data availability allows for rating, ranking, and trend analysis.
- Quantitative application of sustainability data in investment analysis is becoming more common.
Company Perspective:
- Companies should understand investor needs and perspectives to make reporting more relevant and communicate the financial value of sustainability efforts effectively.
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Investor Interest in ESG Goals:
- Investors want to understand how businesses are integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals into their overall corporate strategies.
- Positioning ESGs within corporate strategies is considered crucial information for investment decisions, leading to capital allocation to responsible businesses.
Relevance of Sustainability Practices:
- Sustainability practices vary in relevance across companies.
- Financial sustainability is often a prerequisite for attracting investment.
- Institutional investors, bound by fiduciary duty, consider sustainability practices in their investment decisions.
Financial Implications of Environmental and Social Events:
- Environmental events can lead to costs for investors, such as insurance premiums and physical damages.
- Social issues can affect future cash flows and financial returns due to unrest and instability.
Integration of Sustainable Policies into Investment Decisions:
- Investors screen companies based on sustainable policies and incorporate this information into valuation models.
- Specific policy criteria, such as education and health initiatives, may influence investment decisions.
Promotion of Sustainable Economies:
- Investors advocate for sustainable economies and markets to enhance long-term financial performance.
- Disclosure of sustainability information should align with widely-accepted recommendations like the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the UN Global Compact.
Director Perspective on Sustainability:
- Investors seek to understand directors’ views on the relevance of sustainability to corporate strategy, including discussions on identified risks, opportunities, and changes in the business model.
Investment Screening and Engagement:
- Investors employ screening strategies, including elimination or ranking based on sustainability criteria.
- Related disclosures help investors identify risks and opportunities for engagement with companies.
Seeking Credible ESG Contributions:
- Investors increasingly look for investment opportunities that contribute credibly to realizing ESG goals.
Clarity and Disclosure of Crypto Assets:
- There’s a growing need for clarity in accounting and disclosures related to crypto assets, impacting both new and traditional investors.
- Disclosure principles should be entity-specific, providing detailed information tailored to the company’s circumstances, including holdings of crypto assets and involvement in Initial Coin Offerings (ICO).
Simplicity and Directness in Descriptions:
- Involvement in ICOs or other crypto asset issues should be described simply and directly, avoiding unnecessary complexity while ensuring material information is conveyed.
Organization and Emphasis of Disclosures:
- Information should be organized to highlight important matters, presented in an appropriate order, and emphasized effectively.
- Disclosures should include terms of ICOs to enable investors to understand associated rights.
Integration and Linkage of Information:
- Information about crypto assets should be linked to other parts of the financial statements or the annual report to highlight relationships and improve navigation.
Compliance with Reporting Standards:
- Holders of crypto assets classified as inventories or intangible assets need to comply with relevant reporting standards (IAS 2 for inventories and IAS 38 for intangible assets).
- Disclosure requirements include carrying amount, fair value, changes in carrying amounts, and assessment of useful life for intangible assets.
Optimizing Comparability and Usefulness:
- Information about crypto assets should be provided to optimize comparability among entities and across reporting periods without compromising usefulness.
Materiality Assessment:
- Proper application of materiality is crucial for determining what information to disclose regarding crypto assets.
- Challenges in exercising judgment around materiality may lead to either omission of useful information or disclosure overload.
Development Costs:
- Recognition Criteria:
- Costs are recognized as intangible assets if it’s probable that future economic benefits attributable to the asset will flow to the entity and the cost can be measured reliably.
- Future economic benefits must be based on reasonable and supportable assumptions about conditions over the asset’s life.
- Evaluation for Recognition:
- Symbal Co evaluates if it can still control the trading platform after issuing tokens and if it expects future economic benefits from token holders beyond another token issuance.
- If costs ensure future economic benefits, they’re recognized as intangible assets and amortized. Otherwise, they’re expensed immediately.
- Promotional activity costs should be expensed when incurred, per IAS 38.
- Subsequent Assessment:
- If circumstances change in future reporting periods and future economic benefits are no longer expected, the value of the intangible asset is impaired and written down.
ICO Arrangements:
- Pre-Sale Agreement (Year ended 31 March 20X7):
- Symbal Co has a financial obligation to deliver $1 million if ICO doesn’t occur by 30 April 20X7.
- Recognized as a financial liability at initial recognition per IAS 32.
ICO Proceeds (Year ended 31 March 20X8):
- Funds paid by token holders ($10 million) represent income, not financial liability or equity.
- Recorded as income:
- Dr Bank $10 million
- Cr Other financial income $10 million
Profit Sharing Commitment (Year ended 31 March 20X8):
- Initially considered a contingent liability.
- Recognized as a financial liability and expense if profits earned during the reporting period.
Tokens Granted to Directors (Year ended 31 March 20X7):
- Accounting Treatment:
- Tokens are not equity instruments as they don’t grant residual interest in assets.
- Not treated as share-based payments under IFRS 2.
- Treated as a short-term employee benefit under IAS 19.
- Recognition and Measurement:
- Liability and short-term employee benefit expense recognized at 31 March 20X7.
- Measurement based on fair value of tokens or estimated cost of goods/services to be delivered.
- Entry:
- Dr Employee costs $250,000
- Cr Short-term employee benefit liability $250,000
Materiality of Climate-Related Risks:
- Climate-related risks, while often discussed in management commentary, are increasingly important to investor decision-making.
- Materiality definition implies companies may need to consider such risks in financial statements, not just CSR reports.
- Investors expect materiality judgments to include climate-related risks if they impact financial statements.
IFRS Standards and Materiality:
- Information is material if omitting, misstating, or obscuring it could influence decisions based on financial statements.
- May lead to disclosing information not specifically required by IFRS but necessary for investors to understand the impact on financial position and performance.
Additional Disclosures:
- Companies should consider providing additional disclosures when specific IFRS requirements are insufficient to explain the impact of climate-related matters.
- Disclosure of significant estimates or judgments related to climate-related risks may be necessary, even if not required by IAS 1.
- Required disclosures even if current financial impact is minimal or if there’s no significant risk of material adjustments in the next financial year.
Benefits of Integrated Reporting
Benefits of Integrated Reporting for SMEs:
- Helps SMEs understand and communicate how they create value.
- Provides a roadmap for considering multiple capitals involved in value creation.
- Represents a more complete corporate report, aiding SMEs in understanding their business and fostering growth.
Value Creation Factors for SMEs:
- SMEs utilize various resources and relationships to create value.
- Integrated reporting helps SMEs comprehend factors influencing their ability to create value over time.
Integrated Thinking and Decision Making:
- Facilitates deeper understanding of business mechanics through integrated thinking.
- Enables SMEs to assess business model strengths and identify deficiencies, leading to forward-looking strategies.
Challenges with Conventional Accounting:
- Some SMEs lack tangible assets and operate in virtual environments, making conventional accounting insufficient.
- Important capitals like employee expertise, customer loyalty, and intellectual property are not adequately accounted for in financial statements.
Role of Integrated Reporting:
- Integrates key financial information with significant non-financial measures and narrative information.
- Addresses communication needs of financial capital and other stakeholders, optimizing reporting for SMEs.
Standards suitable for SME’S
Principal Aim of SMEs Standard:
- Aimed at generating relevant, reliable, and useful information.
- Designed to provide a high-quality, understandable accounting standard suitable for SMEs.
Structure of SMEs Standard:
- Self-contained framework based on accounting principles from full IFRS standards.
- Comprises a single standard with simplified sections for relevant IFRS standards.
- Omitted certain IFRS standards like earnings per share and segmental reporting.
Accounting Treatments under SMEs Standard:
- Certain accounting treatments not allowable, e.g., no separate guidance for non-current assets held for sale.
- Simplifications made to recognition, measurement, and disclosure requirements compared to full IFRS standards.
Examples of Simplifications:
- Intangible assets amortized over presumed useful life of 10 years if determinable life is not available.
- Cost model used for measuring investments in associates; fair value model required if there’s a published price quotation.
Reduced Disclosure Requirements:
- Disclosure requirements substantially reduced compared to full IFRS standards.
- Reductions made based on appropriateness for users’ needs and cost-benefit considerations.
Information Asymetry & IFRS for SME
Effect of IFRS for SMEs on Information Asymmetry:
- Decreases information asymmetry between firms and users.
- Achieved through recognition, measurement, and disclosure requirements.
Information Disclosure Disparities:
- Certain facts and information not disclosed by companies to investors under any accounting standards.
- SMEs have access to all relevant information, giving them an information advantage.
Impact on Investor Decision-making:
- Lack of relevant information adversely affects investor decision-making.
- Investors may lack information on SME’s credit, project risk, and benefits.
Consequences for Investors:
- Investors, especially financial institutions, may increase lending rates to mitigate potential risk or refrain from investing altogether.
Relationship to Investment Risk:
- Incomplete and opaque information increases investment risk.
- Higher risk leads to higher required returns for investors.
Determinants of SME Investment Access:
- Quality of financial statements, information asymmetry, and perceived risk influence access to investment by SMEs.
Role of Quality Financial Statements:
- Quality financial statements reduce information asymmetry and perceived risk.