Change in the Modern World: Apartheid in South Africa 1960-1994 Flashcards
Define apartheid
A system used to separate different racial groups that was introduced by the white gov’t
When did the Apartheid fully form by?
What were the groups in Apartheid?
Black, Coloured, Asians, Whites
What was the pass book system?
Controlled movement of black, coloured and Asian people outside their Bantustan
What were Bantustans?
Separate living areas defined for each group
Was there segregated education?
Yes and the quality and content varied greatly between groups
Who did South Africa face criticism from?
Britain (left Commonwealth in 1961)
United Nations
International community
What does ANC stand for?
African National Congress
When was the ANC founded?
What was the ANC based on?
Principles of non-violent mass protest
What did the youth league of the ANC encourage?
Civil disobedience against pass laws
Who led the ANC?
Nelson Mandela
Who was Nelson Mandela?
- Activist + politician
- ex-lawyer for black people
- went to prison for protests
- first president of South Africa
- embraced non-violent protests
When did Nelson Mandela become president?
What was the Freedom Charter?
Document written by ANC leaders about what the ANC stood for
What did the Freedom Charter make promises about?
Freedoms, rights and liberties
- the people shall govern
- take part in administration
- equality between race, colour, sex
- bodies of minority rule
- all national groups shall have equal rights
- people share the country’s wealth
- land is shared among those who work it
- all is equal before the law
- equal human rights
- work +security
- education expanded to everyone
- houses, security, comfort
- peace and friendship
Who wrote the Freedom Charter?
Lionel “Rusty” Bernstein
Ethel Drus
Ruth First
Alan Lipman
What was the protest about at Sharpville?
Pass laws
When was the Sharpville protest and what kind of protest was it?
21st March 1960
organised non-violent protest
Who was at Sharpville protest?
Members of ANC, protestors, children
Where did protestors march in Sharpville?
On the police station in the township
What did the protestors plan to do with their pass books? - Sharpvile
Burn them in an act of civil disobedience and defiance
What was the police’s reaction to the Sharpville protests
Opened fire killing 69 men, women and children
As a result from civil unrest and international condemnation, the pass laws were temporarily…
The ANC and PAC got banned meaning the leaders got…
Arrested, went into hiding or fled the country
After Sharpville the ANC and PAC abandoned what strategy?
Who was Steven Biko?
A young protestor that led the Black Consciousness Movement
Because of the arrest of ANC and PAC leadership, the anti-apartheid movement passed to a younger generation, the key leader being…
Stephen Biko
What newspaper did Stephen Biko use to encourage black, coloured and Indian students to be proud of who they were?
‘I wrtte what I think’
Biko called students to take action instead of…
waiting for the gov’t to change
When was the Black Consciousness movement banned?
When and how did Biko die?
1977 - beaten to death in police custody
How did Biko’s death effect activists?
Made them more determined to carry forward Biko’s ideas
What did the international community do when they found out about Biko’s death?
Protested immediately
- Peter Gabriel song ‘Biko’ 1980
- Film ‘Cry Freedom’ released in 1987 about Biko’s life
What was Soweto?
A poor township in Johannesburg?
What year was the Soweto Rebellion?
What was the Soweto Rebellion?
Protest against gov’ts insistence that the Afrikaans’s language be used in Soweto high schools
What was police’s reaction to the Soweto rebellion?
Shot at students
- Picture of young boy who was shot being carried away with sister running next to him
How old was the boy that was shot at Soweto rebellion?
13 years old
When were Bantustans established?
1959 in Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act
How did the photograph of the boy shot in Soweto impact other countries?
Concerned them and made headlines around the world
How many Bantustans were created?
Bantustans has poor living conditions because of?
13% of land with 80% of population
Poor agricultural areas
Passbooks were required to show that you had permission to…
live outside the Bantustans
The pass in the passbook could be revoked…
at any time