Chaney Flashcards
research method
- field experiment as it was conducted in the participants regular settings and it had IV, DV and controls
- repeated measures as the researcher assessed the childrens use of their regular imhaler and compared this against their use of the funhaler
- the participant variables were controlled so if a parent didnt always remember to use the or a child dint like the inhaler, this would be the same at the start of each condition
- however using a repeated measures design also meant that the *parents could probably work out what the research was about *
- demand characteristics could have been a problem where the parents worked out that the funhaler was meant to make things better and so they made sure it did
- usig independent measures design meant that it might have been possible but then there are more extraneous variables
- the **repeated measures ** undermined by the fact that there could not be counterbalancing in the research
how was data collected
- through questionnares and television interviews
- quantitiative
- the answers to the yes/no questions as to whether the parenst had used the inhaler the day befre made for direct comparions and easy statistical analysis of difference
- however this doesnt tell us why there is a difference in attitude and behaviour
ethics that chaney upheld
- consent: sign form on initial self report from parents as participants are under the age of 16
- confidentiality: no names were given or information
- protection of harm: no participants were harmed as the aim of the research is to improve medical adherence
- deception: there is a clear aim
- low construct validity: using self-report may affect the validity due to social desirability
- parents may lie to do as society wishes (if they forget to to use the inhaler on their child)
- low construct validity due to extraneous validity: we dont know how efficient parents were using the imhaler or how much they preserved if the child didnt want to take it
- low ecological validity: without bringing the children into the lab and giving the inhalers, we have no way of knowing what went on during the research which might have infleunced the use of the inhaler. this means we no longer see natural behaviour
ecological validity
- the natural setting of the research taking place in the home where they would normally use their inhaler means ecological validity is high
- the children are not taken anywhere different, it can be the same as it has always been and so the child would show their natural behaviour when using their inhaler.
- however, it is not everyday where the parent of a child has to complete a questionnaire which means that it reduces ecological valldity
- however there were some interviiews which may make it more normal where parents chat about their child includihg the inhaler use and problems associated with it so using an interview is more natural than a questionnaire
internal reliability
- high internal reliabiliy
- this was conducted in the field meaning that it was very standardised which makes it easy replicable
- the questionnaire was the same for each particioant and the length of the time using the funhaler was the same
- the funhaler was the same for each child and the same process
external reliability
- low external reliability
- the study was conducted with only 32 children which makes the sample not large enough to establish a consistent effect
- low generalisability due to the narrow range of ages
- however it is representative as the funhaler wouldnt be expected to appeal to people beyond the age range so it is appropriate to their target population
- it is ethnocentric as the sample were all from the USA as it is not obvious that the toys built into the design of the funhaler would appeal equally to chidren from all cultures
how does the chaneys study link to the individual/situational debate
- the study links to the situation of the debate
- this is because it shows how the role of the situation is determining behaviour
- it is the feature of the inhaer where a child has to use an inhaler which influences of the frequency and succcess of its use
- if the only thing changing within the research is the type of inhaler and the resuktant behaviour is significantly different, the situation must be inferred to have an impact on the behaviour
individual side
how does the chaneys study link to the individual/situational debate
- the differences in attitude between the children the parents both prior to and after the use of the funhaler show how indivudal differences can influence behaviour with some children having a phobia of their inhaler and other children taking pleasure in using their inhaler
how is chaneys study useful
- it is useful in helping us understand how children develop and acquire behaviours and how the principles of the behaviourist perspective can be used to facilitate this
- practical applications of incorporating rewards into behaviours which we want to be repeated can be used in health settings to imrpove adherence or reduce unwantged illness behaviours but also can be used in education and parenting
how is chaneys research not useful
- the research was carried out on a alimited age range and so this limits the usefulness of the research due to the lack of generalisability of the results
- this was a sample of australian children and the reinforcer might need to be different and cross cultyral research needed to see how universal the application of the funhaler might be
- the children all had asthma so this may not apply to others who have eczema etc
- the lack of control of extraneous variables and inherent reduction in validity will also reduce the usefulness of this research and some more research to give the study concurrent validity which would help us to know the usefulness of the research
how does chaneys study link to the developmental area
- illustrates a way in which children learn and how parents can help their children to acquire desired behaviours through posiitve and negative reinforcement