Challanges of urbanising world Flashcards
general importance of Bristol (transport linked)
its is on the M4 corridor near footlose industry with good road and rail links and access to London. Bristol airport and Bristol university enabled foreign relations.It has high level of inwards investment including FDI, in manufacturing,finance and technology.
give four reasons Bristol is important
- Bristol is leading green city and it is the kindest city in UK
2.Wallace and Gromit was created there.
3.Massive container port found here - 700,000 cars are imported here each year
4.Larger scale industry including the second largest silicon chip manufacturers in the world.
Challanges with bristols growth: Dereliction
Many old industrial buildings have been left abanndoned.They become a target for vandalism and crime.This pushes residents to further area which are safer and nicer.
Solution for Dereliction
The goverment is offeringgrants to companies that are willing to renovate it.Some of these building hold historial significance = cannot be demolished.Some can become pop up restuarants, galleries etc.
Challanges with bristols growth: Waste and pollution
Bristol produces half a million tonnes of waste per year!They do not want to use landfill as the rubbish will take many years to decay.In addition increasing amount of vehicles creates air pollution.This can increases death rates!(via lung cancer etc)
Solution for waste and pollution
- 50% of household waste is recycled
- Pupils are educated on recycling
- Pedestianise some parts of the city
- Construction of over 40 charging points for electro cars
Challanges with bristols growth: Housing Shortages
Increasing need for houses = increasing price.The goverment wants to build more house but lack space. Brownfield is time consuming and expensive.Greenfield will and the centre will decline.
Solution for housing shortage
Larger house with garden can be built on greenfield to attract wealthy families.
Developing brownfield land means city centre would decline.Thats where they built apartaments.
what percent of bristols population are non- white
Opportunities of Bristol’s growth:(Migrants)
- Migrants have been employed in jobs, where there has been a gap in skills to fill the position.This means that Bristol’s economy has been able to continue to gro and no services haves suffered shortage.
2.Migrants bring their culture to the city, which has resulted in Bristol’s entertaiment and hospitality industries becoming world famous.The food industry is especially wide and varied with the community becoming accepting of new cultures.
3.Bristol hosts St Pauls Carnival to intergrate and celebrate all the migrants that live in the city.The Carnival attracts 40,00 visitors each year, which in turn profits Bristol.
location of Bristol
- On the M4 corridor
- next to River Avon
- Bordering Wales
- country : Summerset
in south west england
On the coast of Bristol channel
one of uk’s 10 core cities
Social inequality: Inner city
Filwood = Life expentancy of 78 yr, 2 years below average.
Cancer death above average
low participation in sports
above average teen pregancy
36% top grades GCSE
1300 crimes a year
Social inequality: Suburb
Life expectancy 83 yr
poor access to shops
94% top GCSE grades
50% have a degree
300 crimes or less per year
highest car ownership rate
What are derelict land
old mills warehouses that are abonded attract crime and vandalism
Causes of deindustrialiation
- Bristols dockswent into near
- competiton with larger companies e.g Avon mouth
- lost of social and economical inequalities
- 20% are unemployed
what is deindustrialization
is a process of social and economic change caused by the removal or reduction of industrial capacity or activity in a country or region, especially of heavy industry or manufacturing industry.
External factors causing market to decline
- competition from abroad
- new technology
- skill/physical advantage
Internal factors causing market to decline
- running out of resources
- mechanisation
- Enviromental degradation
market decline chain
market decline = Industries close = People loose jobs = less money to spend in local shops etc = local economy declines
= no new investments = …
changes in Bristol: Shopping centre
e.g Cabot circus provides leisure opportunities for locals.
changes in Bristol: Urban greening
Bristol is trying to improve its enviroment by increasing green open spaces.This is called urban greening. There are 8 nature reserves and 30% of the city is covered in trees
changes in Bristol: Shopping centre POSITIVES
+ Jobs opportunities for local
+ Shopping centers use up derelict lands and can reduce crime in areas sice gangs can’t hang out there.
changes in Bristol: Shopping centre NEGATIVES
- Causes traffic conjestion since it pulls people away from centre
changes in Bristol: Urban greening POSITIVE
+ Green spaces are important for minimising urban sprawl and air pollution which improves quality of life for locals
+Wildlife levels have increased in natural reserves
Bristol natural importance list 9 reasons
engeniring degrees
important uk port for imports/ exports
colour capital of uk
travel hub
silicon chip industry
SS great britian for tourists
execllent road links to london
8th largest uk tourist destination
Two major universities
Integrated transport
Aimed to encourage people to use public transport by linking railway station to park n ride
(reduce green gas emmisions)
Former Warehouses have been coverted into bars,nightclubs and cultural venus e.g galleries or meuseums.
Annual 3 day Bristol’s Haurbourside Festival = 300,000 visitors per year
Development of high tech industry
50 Micro - electronics and silicon design and robotics e.g. Toshiba
Aerospace industry - 15 global companies e.g. Roys Rolls
” proffesianal fotball temas and rugby union team.Also the headqurters for Glouchester county cricket
How could Bristol’s cycling stragedy be applied to other cities
- To get into the city centre for work or shopping
- to go sight- seeing or shopping aroundthe city centre
- to travel travel to work school or local shops within a zone in the city
- To come in or out the city from surround place
Benefits of cycling
Reduces air pollution
Better health
reuced CO^2 emissions
Boosts tourism
good form of daily exercise
Lower levels of obesity
Quick and reliable
reduces traffic conjestion
Negatives of cyling
ability to cycle
only for younger gen
the weather
antisocial behaviour
initial cost is high
Quality of life is
the standart of health comfort and happiness expirienced by an individual or a group
What kind of competition from abroad comes
China + NEE
cheaper labour and work longer hour
raw materials
strict enviromental laws in UK
Bristols industy regenration ideas
- retraining skills
massive investment form govement to create start upp business
reduce rents in office space
Britstols Harbourside regenration scheme
The redevelopment of past British docks area.The first development involved the SS - a historic vessel built Bristols returned for restoration that attracted large number of visitors.This shows that the docks could become a valuable enviromental for redevelopment.Llays TSB relocated their headquarters to the docklands area.This acted as great splur for investment.
Key features of Bristols Hourbourside
- IMAX theater
- at Bristol Science meuseum
- Millenium Square
Has the haurborside been succeseful?
- Over 300m poundsof inward investment
- Over 3000 new jobs
- Mixed commercial enviroment (cafe, bars, galleries , cinnemad, shops etc)
- Sport facilities
- Art facillitis
- heritage meuseus and festivals
- Steam train rides
what are the goals for temple quarter
- 3 new enters
- 22,000 jobs by 2041
- £ 1.66 economy increase
- open green space
- by ‘30 they want 4,000 new houseing (‘41 = 10,000)
- a lot about the affordability
- Improve cycling, walking and public transport
- connection to Bristol uni
- jobs abd investments
What does LET it be FAB stard for
protect Lives and homes
not harm Enviroment
last long Time
it be
for Fututre generations
be Affordabile
protect Businesses and jobs
What is a regeneration scheme
It is a plan made to in develop certain areas of the city making it more sustainable and ecomicly grow
What does sustainability means
Meeting everyone’s needs whether it is enviromental,social or economical
when did uk began urbanizing and why
uk began urbanazing in 1900 when everyone began movig from farmlands to city
what percentage of people in uk live in city by
in 1950 -
in 2013 -
what percentage of people in ethiopia live in city in 2019
= 20%
name push 6 factors of people moving to cities
peoples home x jobs destroyes
automation causes people to loose jobs
uninhabital land
goverment mandlate (Singapore)
civil wars(syria)
name pull 6 factors of people moving to cities
more/higher job payment
having more/better healthcare
better education
when does the natural increase happens
happens when the number of people dying in smaller than the number of people being born
name 11 major uk cities
What are impacts of migration on bristol
Bristol population 440,500 = 9% growth since 2000
Most migrats are from Poland,Somalia, India, Jamaica
cost of rent is cheaper
Explain the distribution of UK’s population
UK’s population is unevenly distributed with 82% living in a urban area
How might the distribution change
There has beenn a big drift towards South East England and london as one of the largets cultural centres
Name 14 attractions of bristol
bristol zoo
festivals like hot air balloon
St Pauls
sold warehouses
famous mince pie shop
Clifton suspension bridge
engeeniring students go there
2 large universities
the bristol meuseum
street art x graffity
overpopulated in not to do with
the amount of people in the land but people vs their requirments ration being unstable
natural increase
birth rate > death rate
natural decrease
birth rate < death rate
2 main reasons for a city to become a megacity
- Migration (internal or external)
- Inreasead birth rate (Natural increase)
Advantages of migration into bristol
Enriching the city’s cultural life in terms of music, art, literature and food.The ST Paulsncarnival every year attracts 40 000
Prodiving a hardworking and motivated workforce
Improving the level of skills where there are shortages
the mainly young migrats help to balance out the population
cantributing to both the local and national economy
Disadvatages of migrants in bristol
Pressures on housing and employment
Challange of integration into the wider community
The need to provide education for children whose first language in not english
% countries with 75 to 100% living in urban areas
Saudia Arabia
5 Countries with <30% living in urban areas
New genia
3 countries that are expirienceing the biggest urban grawth
lagos Delhi Dhaka
Bright lights syndrome,
where people are attracted to cities by the belief they will have a better lifestyle compared to living in a rural area.
name 8 push factors
Civil wars
political/ religious persecutions
Over population
Lack of service
high crime
Drought,Land scares
Povertylack of safety
name 8 pull factors
Promise of freedom
Higher emloyment
better services
more wealth
hope for a new life
street are paved with gold
Fertile land
good climate
What impact have migrants had on Bristol
- Pressure on housing and emloyment
- Enriching the city’s cultural life
-As hard-working and motivaltional workforce - challange of intergation into the wide
Explain the rise in derelict areas in Bristol
Industrial decline in the 20th century was caused due to an increase in manufacturing abroad,clouser of many inner city ports and rise in teritiary and quatenary industries.As a result many inner city areas such as Stokes Croft, became abandoned, run-down and deprived.
Explained how can the derelict area in bristol problem be solved
This could be improved by Lottery Grants, Artist and new enetrtaiment venue
Explain the air pollution in Bristol
Bristol is the most conjested city in england = air pollution = 200 death per year
The prevalling winds from the south-west blow pollution from the industrial area at Avonmouth over to the city.
Explain how can the air pollution challange be solved
This could be improved by intergrating transport network, busees between bath and bristol airport electrical vehicle frome gateway
Explain the waste disposale in Bristol
Bristol produces 500,000 tonnes of waste per year and is currently produces the most food waste in the UK
Explain how can waste disposal problem be solved
This could be tackled by reduce waste sent to landfill.Increase recycling,Increase amount of regenerated waste.
economic growth and creates jobs range of in centuries to business to move to the area (business rate relief, low rents and easier planning procedures)
What are 6 goals for Temple quartes
- Removing the Temple Circus roundabout and replace it with a simplifies signal - controlled junc
- New high quality segregated pedestrian and cycle routes and improved to existing routes around
- Better public transport facillities, such as bus stops and shelters and a new MetroBus stop
-Relocation of bus priority lanes to improve bus journey times and reliabity
-Reconfiguration of the Friday and Victoria Street junction.
true false: 55% of mumbai’s population lives on 40% of the land
False ; 55% of Mumbai’s population lives of 6% of ts land
how much people live in Dharvi slum
1.2 million
what percentage of people have access to clean water in Dharvi
how much times more the toxic levels in drahvi than the safe limit
3 times
what is Dharvi’s annual business turnover
300 million per year
how much cases of diseas happen in Dharvi daily
what percentage of waste in mumbai is recycled
80% percent
name 6 reasons why some cities develop into major megacities
- Cities are declared capital cities
- Ports and trading cities
- Colonial influence
Changes in n atural increase
Push factors (Agricultural revolution)
economical reasons
What economical opportunity caused by urban growth in Mumbai
The rapidly growing populatin has created a demand for goods and services, whcih has created emloyment opportunities
What social opportunity created by the growth and development of mumbai
The growth of commercial and industry zones has led to considerable development.
T or F? Dharavi is Mumbai and India’s biggest squatter settlement
Health care opportunities in Mumbai
The city has more hospitals than any other urban area in India.Mumbai’s biggest public medical centre, Sion Hospital, has grown from 50 beds in 1950 to more that 1400 beds today
Education in mumbai
The Maharashtra governet id duty- bound to provide compulsory, free education to every child from age 6 to 14.According to the 2011 Census,Mumbai literacy rates are high at 89.7% compared to the national average which is 74.04%
water supply in mumbai
In december 2014 the Bombay High Court ordered the city goverment to extend access to Mumbai’s water supply to residents living in no-notofied squatter settlements
The global Partneship on Output Based Aid (GPOBA) has recently completed a project providing 8000 to 10 000 dwellers with new or upgraded electricity connecttions
Economic Development
The rapidly growing population of Mumbai has created a demand for good and services which has created employment oppurtunities.
Indentify the challanges associated with the urban gwowth of mumbai
- Squatter settelments have grown rapidly in Mumbai,spreading onto privite land.They are typically poorly constructed and overcrowded.
- Conditions in Dharavi squatter settelment are chalalnaging.There is an average of 4,000 cases of typhoid and diphtheria each day.
Indentify the challanges associated with the urban gwowth of mumbai
- Squatter settelments have grown rapidly in Mumbai,spreading onto privite land.They are typically poorly constructed and overcrowded.
- Conditions in Dharavi squatter settelment are chalalnaging.There is an average of 4,000 cases of typhoid and diphtheria each day.
Indentify the challanges associated with the clean water,saniattion and energy of mumbai
- Only around sixty per cent of household are connected to Mumbai’s sewage system, so many open sewers are polluted streams present a health risk
- In the unplaned squatter settelment there is on average only one toilet per 1000 people.
Indentify the challanges associated with the health and educationof mumbai
- Althought the Sion hospital has grown rapidly , it has not been matching populational growth
- School drop out rates are high with many youngsters unable to continue education as they must work to earn money to help support their famillies
- Despite education provision improving many schools are overcrowded and there is a shortage of teachers.
Indentify the challanges associated with the reducing unempleyment and crime of mumbai
- Many people work in the ‘informal sector’ which are low paid have littl job security and often work in dangerous conditions.
- It has the third- highest crime rate of all indian cities.nearly one-third of population have been a victims of crime.
What landform is Mumbai located on
Where is Mumbai located and what is it like
Mumbai is located on teh western coast of Maharastra state in western India, bordering the Arabian Sea.The city is on a narrow Peninsular ( a piece of land thaat is almost entirely surrounded by water but i connected to the mainland on onne side) on the southwest of Salsette Island which lies between the Arabian Sea to the west, Thane Creek to the east and Vasai creek to the north.
With an estimate population of around 20 m people Mumbai is India’s biggest city and the fourth largest in the world.Mumbai ia an ‘alpha’ city due to its economic importance.
what are 3 regional importances of Mumbai
It is important in its provisions of schools universities and hospitals
most large transnational corpoations are located here
the city is a transport hub
what is a national importance of mumbai
Mumbai is one of india’s dominant urban centres and is one of the world’s largest and most densely populsted cities
nationally mumbai contributes 33% of all income tax and 60% of all customs duty from trade
It is a transport hub that link all major cities in India
Mumbai is India’s commercail and financila capital contributing arounf US $310 bn to its economy.It is responsible for 70% of India’s maritime tride and is responsible from 25% of its industrial output.
what si the interantional importance of mumbai
Mumbai’s tourism industry is booming with thousands flocking to the area from all over the globe
Recives the largest amount of foreign investment of any other city in India.The city the largest number of international companies in Asia.The Bank of America,Voljswagen,Walt disney and many more international companies have their headquaarters in mumbai.
name 5 most common sustainable urban strategies
providing green spaces
minimizing the use of greenfield sites by using brownfield sites instead
Involving local communities and enviromwnt sites and buildings
conserving cultural historical and enviromental sites and buildings
what makes Freiburg Germany is good example of sustainable city
- Green corridor (Planting) = reduce air pollution = cool the temp
- transport = poo bus
recycling = pay to recycle
Blue corridor = rivers and ponds = allows incests populations
energy production
students = educate them to live better
why mumbai being natural harbour was so important in history
it made it very easy to colonize
nowdays it is perfect for trade
describe rural to urban mirgation of Mumbai
rural to urban mirgration to Mumbai includes millions of peoplemoving frm farmland area to city centre for things like job opportunites
this is due to the Maharastra state generelly being mostrly rural area
Where is Dharvi slum located
Dharvi lies between two railways lines on low-lying land previosly used as a rubbish tip
it has a population of 1.2 m people
What are Social and economical challnages of living in Dharavi
water is rationed and shared by neigbohoods
there are no safety laws in the slum so the houses can become very hazardious
They make 3p an item
there are 4000 cases of disease a day
what are enviromental challanges of living in Dharavi
many sewers are open which can leack into the water pipes
a lot of rubbish and pollution
chemicals,water drainage, sanitation all mixed flowing down the streets
very bad smell
veery poisoned river contains trash, human feeces etc—-
what are some social opportunities of living in Dharavi
very good food - made natuaralyy
people are very good at using space
very big recycling factory - they recycle everything
80% of waste is recycled (23% in uk)
very good community spirit
what are some economical opportunities of mumbai
many business go undercover and make millions and billions of dollars each year and even sell things worldwide
no regulations no taxes cheap labour and miximum use of space = production cost low
85% people in the slum have a job
turnover of 1 billion a year
9 challanges of dharavi
lack of sanitation
water pollution
lack of access to clean water
traffic conjesion
lack of legal right
air pollution
poor health
unempleyment and poor quality work
What are the opportunities of the Dharavi regenration scheme
Avccesss to clean water, electricity and sanitation
less health hazards
you and your kids can get education and work
better privacy
no sewage leak
shelters from flood and dirt
better medical help
Mumbai has population of
22 million
mumbai International airport sees
32 million passager
what percentage of Mumbai’s population lives in a slum
by 2030 what is the expectance of Mubai’s population
25 million
Comment on Natural Increase in Mumbai
The fertility rate in Mumbai is 2.2 births per woman, which means that there are many families in the city.this is especially the case since migrants from rural regions tend to be very young, so they come to Mumbai to settle and start families.This process naturally increases the population over generetions.
what is the water pollution issues in Mumbai
is becoming a huge issue with slums increasing.In Mumbai, 800 million litres of sewage flows into the Mithi River.Contamineted water can lead to water - borne diseases such as Diarrhoea, Salmonella and Typhoid Fever
redevelopment of squatter settlements
A $2billion development project threatens the recycling district and part of Dharavi.he people who are relocated will be put into smaller housing in apartment blocks. An ancient fishing village is also threatened. These areas have strong safe neighbourhoods that have low crime and communal areas. Also at risk are the local shops and markets and the community spirit which has taken generations to develop. The locals would prefer small improvements to the existing slum such as improvements in drainage. The value of land is so high that redevelopment is now a real threat. The alternative accommodation is very small.