Ch.9 Ashley * done* Flashcards
What are the purposes of equity concepts?
1) Equal Pay for Equal Work, Pay Equity. (Aim is to ensure gender equality, in the payment that is received)
2) Employment Equity- aims to improve job opportunities for women, people with visible minorities, people with disabilities and aboriginal people.
Provincial human rights legislation covers pay equity making it illegal to pay one sex a different wage, than the other sex for the same work. T OR F
True. It is outlined in BC Human Rights Code s.12(1)
The BC human rights code s.12(1) uses the term “for similar or substantially similar work”. Based on this jobs should be compared on what?
The underlying value of the jobs, not their content.
The federal employment equity act was enacted in 1986 in order to do what?
Address under-representation of certain groups of people (women, visible minorities, aboriginals) and also including people in better-paid jobs, and higher-level jobs.
The employment equity act only directly affects federally regulated employers in relation to employment equity.
What are the Principles of the Employment Equity Act?
1) Force employers to identify work place barriers,
2) Force employers to develop equity plans to make their workplace more inclusive for those underrepresented groups.
An example of a barrier would be:
Hiring by “word-of-mouth” which eliminates from consideration candidates who are equally as capable or better qualified for that position.
what is FCP (federal contractors program)
it is a program which requires an employer with 100 or more employees who wishes to bid on a contract for 200,000 dollars or more, must file a certificate that they will commit to implementing an employment equity plan.