Ch8 Political Geography Vocab Flashcards
Political geography
The study of the political organization of the world
Politically organized territory with permanent population, defined territory and a government
Having a recognize right to control a territory politically and militarily
Promotion of commercialism and trade
A fixed element of political identification
Identified by its own membership as the people within a territory sharing cultural identity
Politically organized area in which nation and state occupy the same state
Multinational state
States with more than one nation inside its borders
Multistate nation
Nations that stretches across borders and states
Stateless nation
Nation that has no state
A territory tied to a state rather than being completely independent
World economy, corporations, individuals and state produce good and services that are exchangeable
Centripetal force
Forces that unifies its regions and people
Centrifugal forces
Forces that work to divide its regions and people
Unitary government
Centralized state whose administrative framework is designed to ensure the central government authority over all of the states
Federal government
Accommodates regional interest by vesting primary power in province states and the regional units over all matters except those given to the central government
Government based on religion
Movement of power from the central government to the regional governments within the state
When a minority ethnic group desires to break away from a multi ethnic state to form it’s own national state or align itself with a culturally similar state
When centrifugal forces Break apart a state into smaller pieces
Power of a people to establish their own their own government the way that they see fit
Redistribution of representation in legislative body especially periodic reallotments of US congressional seats according to changes in the census figures require by the constitution
According to population shift so that each district has about the same number of people
The process of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefiting the party in power
Vertical plane cutting through rock slow and airspace above dividing
Antecedent boundary
Existed before human settlements of an area
Consequent boundary
Developed Along with the development of the cultural landscape
Superimposed boundary
Ignores the existing cultural organization on the landscape
Relic boundary
Boundary that no longer exist
Supranational organization
Venture involving three or more nationstates involving formal political economical and cultural cooperation to promote shared objectives