Ch.8: OSPF Foundations (1) Flashcards
What type of protocol is OSPF?
A link-state Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)
What does an OSPF router advertise to show link states and metrics?
Link State Advertisements (LSAs)
What does every OSPF router have an identical copy of?
Routers in the same area will have an identical copy of LSAs and an identical Link State Database (LSDB).
What algorithm does OSPF use to calculate loop-free paths in a network?
Dijkstra’s SPF algorithm (shortest-path first)
Every router will have an identical _____, but a different ____. Why?
Each router will have an identical LSDB but the SPF tree (SPT) will differ on each router. This is because each router’s SPT is made from each router’s perspective, even though each router has the same link state / metric information.
What provides scalability with OSPF?
The ability to create different areas; logically connected rotuers/subinterfaces that reduce the size and amount of LSAs being flooded to every router
What is the purpose of Area 0? What is it also known as?
Area 0, AKA the “backbone,” provids transit connectivity between all areas. All Area Boundary Routers (ABRs) have to connect to the backbone, and type 1 LSAs from one area is advertised as a type 3 (Summary) LSA when being advertised to or from Area 0 by an ABR.
Where does the backbone get its routes from? How do non-backbone areas get routes from other areas?
Routes get advertised into the backbone from non-backbone areas. The advertising router is the ABR.
Routes in Area 0 get advertised into non-backbone areas
What IP protocol does OSPF use for inter-router communication?
IP Protocol 89
What multicast addresses and MAC addresses do OSPF routers advertise to?
AllSPFRouters: or MAC 01:00:5E:00:00:05
AllDRouters: or MAC 01:00:5E:00:00:06
What are the 5 types of OSPF packets?
1 - Hello - discovering & maintaining neighbors
2 - Database Description (DBD/DDP) - summarizing DB contents
3 - Link-state request (LSR) - for DB downloads. Requested if part of the LSDB may be stale
4 - Link-state update (LSU) - for DB updates. Normally set as a response to an LSR
5 - Link-state acknowledgement - for flooding acknowledgements, resposne to LSA flooding
What is OSPF packet type 1?
1 - Hello - discovering & maintaining neighbors
What is OSPF packet type 2?
Database description (DBD/DDP) - summarizing DB contents
What is OSPF packet type 3?
3 - Link-state Request (LSR) - for DB downloads. Requested if part of the LSDB may be stale
What is OSPF packet type 4?
4 - Link-state update (LSU) - for DB updates. Normally sent as a response to an LSR
What is OSPF packet type 5?
5 - Link-state acknowledgement - for flooding acknowledgements, response to LSA flooding
What is a Router ID?
A 32-bit number, unique ID for a router.
Must be unique for each AND between OSPF processes in an OSPF domain
What is an OSPF neighbor?
A router that shares a common OSPF-enabled link
What is the difference between a non-adjacent and adjacent OSPF neighbor?
Adjacent neighbors are 2 OSPF routers that share a synchronized OSPF DB. Note that this full adjacency does not happen between all routers in an OSPF domain.
In what situation does an OSPF router form a full adjacency with another router?
An OSPF router will only form a full adjacency with the Designated Router (DR) and Backup DR (BDR, if applicable).
What is the purpose of the DR/BDR in an OSPF domain?
The DR/BDR is responsible for managing adjacency with non-DR/BDR routers in that broadcast segment. This ultimately saves resources on each router.
What does the DR create to manage adjacency with other routers, and allow other routers to form an adjacency with the DR?
A “pseudonode” (virtual router)
What happens when a DR fails (re-election general steps):
1) DR fails
2) BDR becomes the DR
3) A new BDR is elected
What are the steps of DRs receiving and advertising an LSA?
1) All routers in broadcast segment form full adjacency with the DR/BDR
2) When a router learns of a new route, it sends an updated LSA to the AllDRouters multicast address
3) DR sends a unicast ack message to advertising router
4) DR floods the LSA to the AllSPFRouters multicast address
How do you enable an OSPF process, and use a network statement?
> enable
configure terminal
router ospf 1 —- go to ospf process 1 on router
network [Network IP Address] [Subnet Wildcard Mask] area [Area #]
ex. network area 0 – any up interface that matches will have OSPF enabled in area 0