Ch7 Trends In The Periodic Table Flashcards
Heisenbergs uncertainty principle
Not possible to measure the distance between the nucleus and the outermost electrons of an atom
Atomic radius
Of an atom is defined as half the distance between the nucleus and of two atoms of the Sam element that are joined together by a single covalent bond
Bond length
How is atomic radius measured
X-ray diffraction and electron diffraction
What is the covalent radius of a hydrogen molecule with distance between two nucleus = 0.074nm
Why do noble gasses not have value for covalent radius
They don’t form covalent bonds with one another
Atomic radius trend
Decrease across periods/rows
Increase down groups
What is the size of an atom governed by
The electrostatic attraction between the positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons
If electrostatic attraction between protons and electrons is large
the positive protons will pull the outer electrons closer to the nucleus giving a smaller atomic radius
If electrostatic attraction is small
The electrons will be further from the nucleus giving a larger atomic radius
Reasons: atomic radius increase down the groups
- New energy level/ shells - additional electrons go into new energy levels as you go down. Outer electrons become further away from nucleus
- Screening effect of inner electrons - electrons in inner energy levels shield/ screen outer electrons from positive charger of the nucleus giving a
Reason: atomic radius decrease across a period
- Increase in Effective Nuclear Charge - no. Of protons in nucleus increase from left to right in periodic table. Greater attractive force on outer electrons, draws them closer to nucleus
- no increase in screening effect - extra electrons go into same outer shell as you go across
First ionisation energy
Of an atom is the minimum energy required to completely remove the most loosely bound electrons of from a neutral gaseous atom in its ground state
Na(g) ->Na+(g) + e-
First ionisation energy decrease down a group
- Increasing atomic radius
- Screening effect of inner electrons
First ionisation increases across a period
- Increasing effective nuclear charge
- Decreasing atomic radius increase
Exceptions to general trend across a period
-Higher than expected ionisation energies
- extra stability filled or half- filled sub levels
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