Ch.6 Flashcards
A stimulus which, when presented immediately following a behavior, causes the behavior to increase in frequency.
Positive reinforcer
A rule that states that if, in a given situation, someone does something that is fol- lowed immediately by a stimulus called a positive reinforcer, then that person is more likely to do the same thing again when he/she next encounters a similar situation.
Principle of positive reinforcement
Behavior that operates on the environment to generate consequences and is in turn inluenced by those consequences.
Operant behavior or operant responses
A rule stating that the opportunity to engage in a highly probable behavior can be used to reinforce a behavior that has a lower probability.
Premack principle
he nonoccurrence of a positive reinforcer for a period of time resulting in its increased strength. Amoti- vating operation that involves withholding a positive reinforcer which increases its reinforcing power.
Condition in which an individual has experienced a reinforcer to such an extent that the reinforcer is tempo- rarily inefective.
An event or condition that (a) temporarily alters the efectiveness of a reinforcer or pun- isher and (b) inluences behavior that produces that reinforcer or punisher.
Motivating operation (MO)
Said of a stimulus with respect to a behavior if the behavior must occur before the stimulus will occur.
Said of a stimulus if it is presented regardless of the preceding behavior.
A behavioral chain that has at least one component called the superstitious component that is not functional in producing the reinforcer.
Adventitious chain
Behavior that has been strengthened by adventitious reinforcement. See adventitious reinforcement.
Superstitious behavior
A setting or place in which natural reinforcers occur.
Natural environment
Unprogrammed reinforcers that occur in the normal course of everyday living.
Natural reinforcers
Reinforcers that are arranged to occur systematically in a behavior modiication program.
Programmed reinforcer
Gradually decreasing the rate of programmed reinforcement a client receives until the client’s improved behavior can be maintained by natural contingencies of reinforcement. Also called reinforcement thinning. Also see weaning an individual from a reinforcement program.
Schedule thinning