Ch.5 Passing Flashcards
To make a catch a player must possess a live ball in flight and return both feet to the ground inbounds.
A pass thrown from Team A’s 20 yard line toward 22 yard line, but is blown backward by the wind and hits the ground at the 19 yard line is a backward pass
A backward pass is a pass thrown with its initial direction parallel with or toward the runner’s end line.
A passer continues to be a passer until the pass ends or until he moves to participate in the play.
A pass thrown backward out of bounds to stop the clock is an illegal pass.
A third down backward pass, which is simultaneously possessed by opponents, belong to the defensive team.
A forward pass is legal if it is the first pass thrown by Team A during a scrimmage down with both feet of the passer in or behind the neutral zone, before a change of team possession.
Team A is limited to one legal forward pass per down.
If the ball is beyond the neutral zone when it leaves the passer’s hand on a forward pass, it is an illegal pass.
A forward pass has gone beyond the neutral zone if at any time during the pass, some part of the ball is beyond the neutral zone.
A forward pass caught behind the neutral zone by A76, is an illegal pass , but the ball remains alive when caught.
A pass thrown forward after a change of possession is an illegal forward pass.
If runner A32 who is beyond the neutral zone intentionally tosses the ball forward, he has thrown an illegal forward pass.
When an illegal forward pass touches the ground, the ball becomes dead.
When the numbering exception is in effect and a pass is thrown from a scrimmage-kick formation, it is an illegal forward pass.
The absence of eligible offensive receiver(s) in the immediate area of an incomplete forward pass is one guideline in determining intentional grounding.
Any forward pass purposely thrown incomplete is an illegal pass.
It is legal to spike the ball to conserve time if Team A is a in a shotgun formation at the snap.