Ch. 6 The Kicking Game Flashcards
A free kick ends as soon as the ball is touched beyond the neutral zone.
For a kickoff, the ball may be held in position on a kicking tee by a place kick holder
On a free kick, the ball remains dead until it crosses Team R’s free kick line.
A kick ends when a new force is applied after it has touched the ground.
For any free kick a free-kick line, corresponding to a scrimmage line, is established for each team.
When a punt is used following a safety, the kick must be made from within two steps beyond Team K’s free kick line.
It is a free-kick infraction if five Team R players are not within five yards of Team R’s free-kick line after the ready-for-play signal and until the kick.
On a kickoff, it is encroachment when, after the ball has been declared ready-for-play, a player other than the kicker or holder is beyond his free kick line.
If the holder is to the right of the kicker and there are only three other players to the right of the kicker, the formation is legal.
It is illegal if all Team K players are not within five yards of Team K’s free-kick line after the ready-for-play signal and until the kick.
If the K61 blocks R43 into the ball in the neutral zone during a free kick and K52 recovers, the ball belongs to Team K.
Any kicker may recover a free kick if it has touched the ground and has also gone beyond the plane of Team R’s free kick line.
The kickers may not advance a recovered free kick.
The down is ended when the kickers catch or recover a free kick anywhere.
The first touching of a grounded free kick by K11 is ignored if it occurs within the neutral zone.
On a kickoff, it is a new series for Team R at the spot of first touching if that spot is chosen by Team R.
If K20’s kickoff from his 40 yard line goes out of bounds untouched at Team R’s five yard line, Team R may choose to take the ball on Team R’s 40 yard line.
It is a foul if a free kick goes out of bounds between the goal lines last touched by Team K following touching by Team R.
If R2 muffs a kickoff at his five yard line and it is caught in flight by K32 in the end zone, it is a touchdown for Team K.
A legal, free or scrimmage kick that is not a scoring attempt does not become dead until the ball touches something after it is behind R’s goal-line plane.
If a free kick goes out of bounds untouched at Team R’s 25 yard line and Team R declines the penalty option of putting the ball in play at the inbounds spot, 25 yards beyond the previous spot, the ball must be placed at the inbounds spot on Team R’s 25 yard line.
The kicker or place kick holder may be blocked as soon as a free kick touches the ground or any other player.
A legal scrimmage kick can only be made from behind the neutral zone before team possession has changed.
It is not necessary to be in a scrimmage kick formation to execute a legal scrimmage kick.
A new series is always award to Team R if K41 recovers a blocked punt behind the line and is downed there.
During a field goal attempt, the ball becomes dead when the kick is blocked behind the neutral zone.
Team R may recover a punt anywhere between the goal lines and advance.
A punt recovered behind the line may be advanced by either team.
If on third down, K72 recovers a blocked kick behind the neutral zone, it is fourth down for Team K at the spot of recovery.
If R40 signals for a fair catch beyond the neutral zone, but he muffs the scrimmage kick, K15 may recover beyond the neutral zone and advance.
If R45 is blocked into a grounded scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone by K21 and K32 recovers after his touching by R45, the ball belongs to Team K.
During a scrimmage kick, touching by Team R is ignored if the ball is muffed in R33 by K55, but if will be first touching.
If there is first touching of a scrimmage kick, Team R will always have the opportunity of taking the results of the play or the ball at the spot of first touching regardless of whether Team R fouls during the down or not.
Touching of a low scrimmage kick is ignored if it occurs in the expanded neutral zone or behind Team K’s line.
If on third down, K20’s blocked scrimmage goes out of bounds behind the line, it is fourth down for Team K at the inbounds spot.
If a scrimmage kick becomes dead inbounds with no player in possession, it belongs to Team R.
It is a safety if R44, in an effort to block K10’s field goal attempt, leaps high in the end zone and tips the ball between the uprights above the crossbar.
Only one receiver may give a fair catch signal during a down.
A receiver who has given a fair catch signal shall not block until the kick has ended.
If R34 makes a fair catch and is then tackled by K25, it is a dead-ball foul.
A fair catch can be made anywhere between the goal lines.
A fair catch of a free kick cannot be made in the neutral zone.
Only the receiver who gives a valid signal is entitled to protection.
It is a fair catch when R46 gives a valid signal and R36 catches the scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone.
When R28 signals for a fair catch, and the kick is caught by R22, the ball remains alive as it is not a fair catch.
K41 can commit kick catching interference without making physical contact with the ball or R22.
During a scrimmage kick beyond the neutral zone, a player of Team R who gives a valid fair catch signal before the ball hits the ground must be given an unimpeded opportunity to catch the kick even after the receiver muffs the kick.
If K81 is first to touch a free kick in flight, it is kick-catching interference whether the touching is in or beyond the neutral zone.
During a scrimmage kick, if a kicking team member contacts the receiver as a result of being legally blocked by a Team R player into the receiver, there is no foul for interference.
Team K may bat a scrimmage kick in flight beyond the neutral zone if no player of Team R is in position to catch the ball.
If K88 interferes with a kick catch, Team R may choose an awarded fair catch plus penalize Team K 15 yards from the spot of the foul.
No player of Team R may advance the ball after a valid, invalid or illegal fair catch signal.
It is a touchback if a punt lands at Team R’s 10 yard line and bounces to the three yard line where R42 recovers it and his momentum takes him into the end zone where he is tackled.
If the runner is hit and fumbles and the loose ball is illegally kicked, the ball is treated as a kick