Ch.24- Lecture Slides Flashcards
child lives with biological parents and siblings
Inherited traits-
are found in chromosomes ( like height)
Stages of family development
Engagement/commitment stage- couple considers marriage
Establishment stage- from the wedding until the birth of the first child
Expectant stage- from conception and throughout the pregnancy
Parenthood stage- starts with birth or adoption of the first child
Disengagement stage- grown children departing from home
Types of family patterns
Autocratic-unequal relationships and parents are very strict and have rigid rules. Not open to outside influences.
Patriarchal- male of the family is in a dominant role and controls most everything
Matriarchal- female of the family assumes primary dominance in the areas of childcare, homemaking and financial decisions
Democratic-adult family members function as equals
Causes of Family Stress
Chronic illness
Working mothers
Sensorimotor- when a child demonstrates object permanence. Uses senses and motor abilities to understand the world ( Birth to age 2)
Preoperational thought - when a child demonstrates egocentric thinking - unable to see things from another person’s point of view. Example is a child with an imaginary friend Cannot use logic ( ages 2-7)
Concrete operational thought- child starts to understand and apply logic to interpret experiences or perceptions ( ages 7-11)
Formal operational thought- problem solving skills, recognizes past, present and future, abstract thinking etc. ( age 12 and up)
See Box 24.6 in textbook
Life expectancy
This is the average number of years an individual will probably live
Infant mortality
This is the number of deaths before the first year of life
The infant mortality rate for African-American infants is more than double that of white infants
Cephalocaudal pattern is the pattern of a baby’s muscular development