CH.20 Flashcards
The bees: what is the name for this order?
Where are these bees found?
What kind of mouthparts do these bees have?
In every habitat that contains insect pollinated flowering plants
The bees pollinate ? of crops and? Of wildflowering and plants
Apis mellifera
What type of bee is found here?
What honeybee products does it produce?
European honeybee
Honey beeswax and pollen
How was the Queen produced in the European honey bee colony?
Through a cast system the queen produces egg the worker collect the pollen and nectar and then there are drones
Which type of bees communicate through dancing
What exactly are they communicating
The honeybees
They communicate food source
Which B is a cross between the European Honeybee and the African honeybee?
The Africanized honeybees
What has bars on it which doesn’t allow it to easily be retracted
The honeybee stinger
Our bee stings
The bumblebees are what type of species?
The bumblebees have a single? Colonies,? General list, a long forging range and? Have Pollen and basket
And what type of elevation is it found?
floral and
Higher elevation
Grab onto flower and a move their muscles rapidly releasing the pollens is called what?
This is the bumblebees
Buzz pollination
Make a hole near the base of the flower to access the nectar while avoiding pollen and transfer is called what?
This is the bumblebees
Nectar robbing
Stingless bees? Species in tribe
are they actually sting less?
This is the bumblebees
They have stingers but are reduced
Their cast system determination mechanism differs from that of honeybees how?
This is the bumblebees
They feed on more pollen to make reproductive Queens
Solitary bees are solitary or social?
They are solitary