Ch.2 (Safety Legislation) Flashcards
Whos ultimate legal responsibility is it to provide a safe and healthful workplace for workers? List 5 of these responsibilities
The Employer
- Sets H&S standard
- Identifies hazards and risks
- Provides safe work procedures to control hazard and reduce risk
- Provides traing to the employees on hazards, risks and safe work
- Provides PPE
What 3 positions direct/make a company?
- Board of directors
- President/VP
- Manager/supervisor
What are the board of directors of an organization responsible for?
Setting the H&S policy and ensuring that the necessary resources, both human and financial are available to ensure compliance.
What are the responsibilities of middle management and supervisors?
- Ensure workplace is compliant with the law by making sure hazards are identified and controlled
- Procedures are in place
- Training is provided
- Safe work procedures are followed and PPE is available
Responsibilities with compliance with directives is on the employer. Why must you as chief, review and implement the directive?
- To discharge your responsibility to your employer
- To meet your own legal responsibilities
What are Directives
Non-compliance with the law
When should a directive not be used?
It shoudl not be used by an inspector to direct that an employer should go beyond the law. Therefore, there is no legal obligation for compliance with a directive that goes beyond the law
What should you do when receiving a directive?
Review it an and make sure it is legitimate. If you feel it is not, talk to the inspector and if he agrees then he may revoke it. If he still feels its legitimate and you don’t agree, then you must make a formal appeal which takes time and money.
What do you need to do if a directive is legitimate? What happens if you fail to comply?
If it’s legitimate then you must comply. Failure to do so will result in the company being fined or taken to court. If an injury occurs as a result to this, you’re screwed.
Who is responsible for setting the policy and providing the resources essential for the implementation, control and improvement of the H&S program?
Top Management
What min number of workers are needed for a JHSC?
What do regulations provide? What technical matter do they deal with?
Provide the technical and administrative detail which supports the objectives set out in the acts. EX, fall prevention, fire prevention, LOTO, Machine guarding etc.
What are 6 rights H&S Inspectors and officers have?
- Enter premises and inspect
- Investigate accidents
- Issue orders or directives to owners and operators to correct non compliance
- Stop work if a persons safety is in danger
- seize equipment
- require tests
What is the Workers Compensation Board? What do they mainly take interest in?
WCB provides compensation when someone is injured or killed on the job. They take great interest in accident prevention as this reduces that amount of compensation that has to be paid. They are very proactive in this regard.
How does the WCB work/funded?
In all jurisdictions, companies are required to pay into a fund made by the WCB. The WCB asseses the risks associated with the type of work done by that business. Then, the WCB gives the company a classification (risk group) which dictates how much the premium is. Premium is cheaper down the road depending on performance. This Fund then pays wokers.
What do companies get in return for funding WCB?
They are shielded from civil claims.
What are 2 areas where plant staff may interact with officers of the WCB? Explain them
- Accident Prevention (Training programs, consulting, meetings about safety)
- Compensation claims
After an accident, what must the employer and employee do in terms of WCB?
They must notify the WCB as soon as reasonably possible. Otherwise offense is on employer and possible denial to employee.
What are the duties of JHSC?
- Identify Hazards
- Make recommendations to the employer on controls
- Do Workplace Inspections
- Participate in accident investigation
- Deal with worker complaints of safety
- Request info on H&S matters from employers
List 3 admin matters concerning the operation of the JHSC
- How members are selected
- How often the committee must meet
- Meeting to be help in regular paid hours.
Describe the 4 elements of law with which a power plant or industrial facility must comply
- Regulations (describes admin details on how to comply with the act)
- Standards and Codes (Technical details on equip used and installation)
- Manufacturing instructions (operation and maint)
- Codes of practice and guidlines
What role do supervisors play in ensuring compliance with H&S laws?
They are accountable in ensuring that the work area is in compliance with the H&S standards by identifying hazards, assessing risks, developing control measures and making sure PPE is used.
What is the difference between a WCB and safety inspector/officer?
WCB rep will make sure that the injury took place at work, provide treatment and do what they can to help you get back to work.
A safety inspector investigates and determines the cause of the accident to see if the company is in compliance with the H&S regulations/standards