Ch2- Perceptions and Emotions Flashcards
- How individuals organize, select, and interpret, their impressions to give meaning to the environment
- (your brain’s filter - what gets in and doesn’t?)
- People don’t make decision on reality, but perception of reality
Influencing Perceptions
- Situation (time, work, social setting) - ex late for a party vs for work
- Target (novelty, sound, background) - ex your outgoing friend is suddenly withdrawn
- Perceiver (attitude, motives, experience, expectations) - ex interpret “have a great meeting”
Organizational citizenship Behavior (OCB)
Discretionary behaviour that not’s part of the formal job but contributes to the organization
Ex - helping a new trainee, cleaning up,
Counterproductive work behavior (CWB)
Behaviours that (in)directly harm organization
- Production deviance - telling other to slow down
- Property deviance - stealing
- Political deviance
- Personal aggression
- employees who don’t show up to work
-There at work physically but not fully functioning
Ex- mental health, physical health, social media
Turn over Rate
Rate employees leave and are replaced
Is expensive!
- Processing termination
- Recruiting- ad., resumes , interviews
- Training, official and unofficial
- Lost productivity and increased supervisor costs
Turn over Rate
Rate employees leave and are replaced
Is expensive!
- Processing termination
- Recruiting- ad., resumes , interviews
- Training, official and unofficial
- Lost productivity and increased supervisor costs
Attribution Theory
When people observe a behaviour, they attempt to determine the cause of
- Internal - the person is responsible
- External- factors that affect them
Often ourselves vs others
Based off
- Disticteveness
2. Consensus
3. Consistency
Fundamental Attribution error
Tend to underestimate external factors and over estimate internal
Ex- someone cuts you off
-Poor sales could be market but we attribute to bad sales techniques
Self serving bias
When we succeed - tend to focus on internal
When we fail - tend to focus on external
Selective perception
Take in what you believe and filter out anything else
Halo effect
You know one thing about a person, and then make assumptions about the rest of the characteristics
Contrast Effect
Person’s evaluation is based by comparisons
Recency / Primacy effect
Remember the first, or last info
Especially for competitions
Similar to me Effect
Give higher rating to those who are similar to you
When individuals assigns attributes based on the others social or demographic group
Name 6 Perceptual Errors
- Attribution theory
- selective perception
3.Halo effect
4 Contrast effect
5 Similar to me effect - Projection - stereo typing
Selective perception
- we can’t take in everything so we just take things based off our opinions
Similar to me effect (projection0q
- higher rating to those who are similar to you
Sterieo typing vs prejudece
Stereo typing - assigning attributes based off social / demographic group
Prejudice - negative view based off a group
stable patter on behaviors that dictates how a person reacts to stimulus
determinants of personality
- nature (hereditary)
- nurture