Ch2: Approaches to Infection Control Flashcards
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
- Occurs in 1 out of 20 patients
- 4th leading cause of death
- Basic measures of prevention: Varied means of patient/client exposure; 2007: Every patient/client treated as if they have a transmittable disease
Cycle of Cross- Contamination and Infection
Transmission > Entry > Suseptible Host > Infectious Agent > Reservoir > Exit
-Varying resistance to medications (antibodies)
-Proliferate best in dark, warm, moist
-Aerobic or anaerobic
Spores: difficult to destroy
Aseptic Techniques
-Protecting caregiver & others
-Barriers: skin and cilia in the
-Cleanliness of equipment, floors, & restroom
-Proper control of heat, light, & air
-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) = use & disposal
-Hand hygiene activities
Medical Asepsis
- Clean Approach
- Goal: Confine Pathogens
Surgical Asepsis
- Surgical Scrub
- Goal: Creat Sterile Field
Standard Precautions
- Infection prevention practices that apply to all patients/clients: Frequent hand washing/hand rubbing, PPE
- All blood, body fluids, excretions (except
sweat) , secretions, non-intact skin, and mucous membranes may contain transmissible infectious agents
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Gloves
- Gowns
- Masks
- Protective eyewear -Shoe coverings
Transmission Based Isolation Precautions
Standard Precautions, Transmission-Based Precautions, Airborne Precautions, Contact Precautions, Droplet Precautions
Modes of Transmission
Droplet Nuclei: Airborne
Droplets: Droplet, Direct Contact, Indirect Contact
(Transmission routes involving a combination of hand and surface= indirect contact)
Hand Hygiene
- Perform before & after patient contact
- Proper use = ê cross-contamination
- Provide training: new hires & caregivers annually
Basic Principles of Hand Washing
-Remove jewelry
-Avoid artificial fingernails or chipped nail
-Trim nails to less than 1⁄4 inch
-Use proper care for irritations, lesions, or breaks in skin
-Use warm water
Criteria for Performing Hand Hygiene
1. Visibly dirty or considered contaminated 2. 15 to 30 seconds; sing Happy Birthday 3. Friction of rubbing removes bacteria 4. Antimicrobial agent leads to antiseptic cleansing 5. Avoid using bar soap
Hand Rubbing: Advantages
-Decrease Time
-Increase effective than
soap & water
-Increase accessible than sinks
decrease bacterial counts
-Decrease damage to skin
Hand Rubbing: Basic Steps
-Apply antibacterial drops to one hand
-Rub product briskly over hands, covering all
-Rub hands until dry (25 to 30 seconds)
*Wash hands after several hand rubs
Responsibility of Healthcare Worker OSHA Guidelines
- Use protective equipment and clothing
- Dispose of wastes in proper containers
- Dispose of sharps in proper sharp containers
- Keep work and patient care areas clean
- Wash hands immediately following removal of gloves
Responsibilities of Healthcare Facility OSHA Guidelines
-Educate employees
-Provide safe and adequate protective
-Educate on prevention of transmission
-Provide proper disposal containers
-Offer HBV vaccine
-Provide follow-up care to employees exposed to communicable diseases