Ch.2&3 Doing Cultural Anthropology/The Idea of Culture Flashcards
Arm-chair anthropologist?
An anthropologist that does not partake in an anthropologists’ duties
Who was Franz Boas?
The first professor of anthropology at Columbia University.
Who was Malinowski?
Developed a form of ethnography centered on empathetic understanding of native life ways and analyzing culture
Culture shock?
Feelings of alienation and helplessness that result from rapid immersion in a new and different culture
(Human Relations Area Files)
Attempt on cross culture analysis
A theoretical perspective focusing on issues of power and voice
Code of ethics?
Outlines the mission and values of a certain business/organization- in this case, anthropology
Human rights?
A right that every person is entitled to
The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another
Who developed the earliest definition of culture?
Edward Burnett Taylor
Something that stands for something else
The process of learning how to become a proper member of a particular cultural group
Culture/personality theory?
Explained relationships between childrearing customs and human behaviors in different societies
Industrial production factors?
Are based on the monthly raw volume of goods
The scientific study of the traditional knowledge and customs of a people concerning plants and their medical, religious, and other uses
Ethnological functionalism?
A (theoretical) perspective that holds that the ways in which cultural institutions work can be understood by examining their effects on the environment
An ideal cultural pattern that influences behavior in a society
A culturally defined idea of what is true, right, and beautiful.
A system of perceptions, values, beliefs and customs that are significantly different from those of a large, dominant culture within the same society
A change in the biological structure or lifeways of an individual/population by which it becomes better fitted to survive and reproduce in its environment