Ch.15 The Federal Bureaucracy Flashcards
Civil service
System of hiring/ promoting based on merit principle to create nonpartisan government
A hierarchical authority structure with task specialization, merit principle, and nonpartisan impersonality
Administrative discretion
Authority of administrative actors to select among various responses to a given problem. Discretion is greatest when standard operating procedures don’t fit a problem
Command - and - control policy
Typical system of Regulation where government tells businesses how to reach certain goals checks that commands are followed and punishes offenders
Lifting of government restrictions on business industry and professional activities
Executive orders
Regulations originating with executive branch. Orders are used by presidents to control bureaucracy
Governmental corporations
Provide a service that could also be delivered by private business example US Postal Service
GS (general service) rating
A schedule for federal employees ranging from gs-1 GS 18 by which salaries can be keyed to rating and experience
Hatch Act
Prohibits government employees from participating in partisan politics while on duty
Incentive system
Alternative to command and control with market like strategy does rewards used to manage public policy
Independent executive agency
The government not accounted for by Cabinet departments Independent Regulatory Agencies and government corporations its initiators are typically appointed by the president and serve president pleasure NASA is an example
Iron triangles
A mutually dependent relationship between bureaucratic agencies, interest groups and congressional committees or subcommittees. Iron triangles Dominique some areas of domestic policy making
Merit principle
An idea that hiring should be based on entrance to provide a Administration by people with talent and skill
Office of personnel management OMP
The office in charge of hiring for most agencies of the federal government, using elaborate rules in the process
System in which jobs and promotions awarded for political reason not Merit or competence like a promotion or contract or job that’s giving for a political reason
Pendleton Civil Service Act
Passed in 1883 an act that created a federal civil service so that hiring and promotion would be based on Merit rather than patronage
Policy implementation
State policy making between the establishment of policy and consequences of policy. Involves translating goals of a policy into an operating program
Use of government authority to control and change some practice in the private sector
Senior executive service SES
And then light Cadre of about 9000 federal government managers, established by the civil service reform Act of 1978, who are mostly crew officials but include some political appointees who do not require Senate information
Standard operating procedures
They’re known as Sops these procedures are used by werecats to bring before me to complex organizations. Uniformity improves fairness and makes personnel interchangeable
Street-level bureaucrats
A phrase coined by Michael lipsky, referring to those Bureaucrats who are in constant contact with the public and have considerable administrative discretion