CH11 Correctional Institutions Flashcards
pennsylvania system
first model in US -> one floor
prisoners isolated, in cells at all times, no interaction
(silent reflection)
remove temptation and evil influences to make them good law abiding citizens
only made them more unstable
auburn system
built up in tiers (panopticon) so they feel like they’re constantly being supervised
allowed prisoners to work and eat together but stay in individual cells at night
moral architecture
used to describe Kingston penintentiary (first in Canada)
reflect order and morality, hard work and religion
eradicate underlying causes of crime like laziness, lack of moral values
strict punishments for breaches
Brown commission
investigation into operations of Kingston penitentiary
condemned the use of corporal punishment against inmates
emphasized need for rehabilitation
what are the three types of correctional institutions
minimum security
no perimeter fencing, unrestricted inmate movement during day time
medium security
high security perimeter fencing with some restrictions on inmate movement
maximum security
highly controlled environment and security fencing, inmate movement controlled and monitored
what are the two types of security
static security
fixed security apparatus, officers assigned to security posts and need to remain there to watch over prisoners
dynamic security
ongoing interaction between officers and inmates
working with & speaking, making suggestions, providing info
challenges to inmate populations
growing remand inmates
inmate gangs
senior inmates, mental illnesses, FASD (fetal alcohol syndrome)
Arbour report
reported on misconduct in Kingston prison for women
made 14 key recommendations regarding cross-gender staffing
can’t have males strip searching females anymore
inmate subculture
patterns of interactions
relationships that exist among inmates confined in correctional institutes
how inmates become socialized to prison culture
how they learn the norms and values there
when inmates become so prisonized that they cannot function in the outside world anymore
state-raised offenders
inmates who spent the majority of their adult lives confined in correctional institutions
don’t have the skills and abilities to function outside in free society
inmate code
set of behavioural rules that govern interactions among inmates and with institutional staff
eg do your own time (mind your own business)
don’t exploit other inmates
social roles in prison
based on inmate’s friendship networks, sentence length, offence, etc
eg square johns -> prosocial behaviour
snitches -> ppl who tattle to officers
beef -> the type of crime
fish -> new inmate
classification of inmates
inmates are assessed and categorized
determine the appropriate sentence for them
static risk factors
unchanging factors that predict an offender’s rate of recidivism
eg criminal history, history of abuse, age of onset
dynamic risk factors
attributes that can be altered through intervention
eg drug use, addiction, employment skills, education
case management
needs and abilities of offenders are matched with correctional programs and services
correctional plan
plan outlining the offender’s initial institution, the work or training they need, and preparation for release
what are the principles of correctional treatment programs?
- based on empirically supported models
- incorporate risk needs responsivity
- focus on the dynamic risk factors of the offender
- be monitored, evaluated
- implemented by well trained, dedicated program staff
there should be continuity between institutional interventions and community ones