CH1 - Theories Flashcards
John Locke
blank slate, experience molds
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
innate sense of justice & morality that unfolds
James Mark Baldwin
(first psychologist at UofT) - stages (later w Piaget); development proceeded from simple behavioral movements gradually coordinated into more complex behaviors then abstract thought
Dr Christopher Green
(York) - psych history website
Platonic epistemology
nature is innate; learning is the development of ideas buried deep in the soul (vs Aristotle epistemology - knowledge through observation & experience)
G. Stanley Hall (Biological)
include children in psychology; evolutionary bio vs physical sciences - racist? Influenced by Ernst →
Ernst Haeckel (Biological)
embryonic development of any organism follows the evolutionary history of its species - ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny
Arnold Gesell (biological)
maturational theory (prearranged scheme) - also normative approach (assessing children similar to same age children) - meaningful to parents by informing of what to expect at each stage
ethological theory (Biological)
many adaptive behaviors are inherited - critical periods
Konrad Lorenz (Biological)
imprinting in chickens as critical period of 1 day
Psychoanalysis perspective
Structures of the mind, components of personality - id, ego, superego (3-5/6 years, phallic stage)
Freud - Psychosexual stages table
Environmental reactions (family’s responses) to hereditary conditions shape adjustment & development
Body ego (sense of self) & psychic skin (holds self together)
Neuropsychoanalysis - psychoanalytic & biological merged
Erik Erikson
(psychoanalytically trained) worked w anna freud → psychodynamic
Psychosocial - 8 stages of unique crisis or social challenge, see table (george vaillant added 6)
Learning perspective
John watson - extended classical conditioning & applied John Locke’s blank slate
Watson & Raynor - little albert
B.F Skinner - operant conditioning → reinforcement (+, addition, an appetitive event or -, removal) & punishments - applied behavioral analysis
Albert Bandura - Social (other ppl are important sources) cognitive (actively trying to understand the world) theory as critique - incorporated social relationships & imitation - also experience gives sense of self-efficacy
Cognitive-developmental perspective
Jean Piaget - natural motivation to make sense of physical & social world - 4 stages of cognitive development
Albert Bandura
Social-cognitive perspective
Contextual perspective
Lev Vygotsky - ways that adults convey culture - Ex: Zone of proximal development (between zone of achieved devel & “what I cant do) - takes the learner where they need to be
Urie Bronfenbrenner - ecological theory - 5 levels of environment: micro, meso (connections of micro), exo (not first hand social settings), macro (subcultures & cultures, dynamic) & chronosystem (emphasizes that development over time)
Capacity for individuals to relate to others? → resilience & entrepreneurship - ability to cope w difficulties & shape interactions
Impact of colonization?
Information-processing theory
like computers, mental hardware (cognitive structures; memory & its storage) vs mental software (organized sets of cognitive processes) - parts of whole (piaget)
Martin Smith
Evolutionary theory - evolutionary developmental psychology
Developmental psychopathology
Eric Mash & David Wolfe, biological-genetic & environmental variables, how abnormal development can occur
Early development is related to later development but not perfectly (continuity)
Development is always jointly influenced by heredity and environment (Baldwin)
Children help determine their own development (active child)
Development in different domains is connected (ex cognitive & social)