Ch.1 Test & Assessment Flashcards
Indivdiuals components of measuring data
Origins of Testing
Alfred Binet - First IQ test
WWII- personality testing
unobservable concepts
measure sample of behavior not entire construct
- gathering info through direct communication
- most used but least reliable
The Portfolio
-samples of work or accomplishments
Case History Data
Records of past testing
Behavioral Observation
Observing the behavior being measured
Role Play
- simulation of specific situations or event
- used to collect data
- admin. test
Test Developler
- person who makes test and ensured validity and reliability
Test User
Individual who administers test
Test Taker
person being measured
Education Setting
Most common setting for testing specifically IQ testing
Other settings for Testing
- Clinical
- Counseling
- Business and Military
- Govt’ organization credentialing
- different methods of admin
- standards of practice
Ethical testing (Before,during,after)
- Before: ensure right test, informed consent
- During: ensure validity and test is admin correctly
- After: debrief, proper scoring, data integration, confidentiality
Assessment of those with disabilities
- Law mandates “alternate assessment”
- accommodations
- accommodations decrease validity
- References
- test catalogues
- test manuals
- journal article
- online database
- other sources
- Broad picture of the problem
- Ex. “How fit is family to adopt”
- integration of measured data