Ch1 Management Flashcards
the ability to see the organization as a whole, understand how the different parts affect each other, and recognize how the company fits into or is affected by its environment
Conceptual skills
monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed
the informational role managers play when they share information with others in their departments or companies
Disseminator role
the decisional role managers play when they respond to severe pressures and problems that demand immediate action
Disturbance handler role
accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives
getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste
the decisional role managers play when they adapt themselves, their subordinates, and their units to change
Entrepreneur role
the interpersonal role managers play when they perform ceremonial duties
Figurehead role
train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees who are directly responsible for producing the company’s products or services
First-line managers
the ability to work well with others
Human skills
the interpersonal role managers play when they motivate and encourage workers to accomplish organizational objectives
Leader role
inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals
the interpersonal role managers play when they deal with people outside their units
Liaison role
getting work done through others
responsible for setting objectives consistent with top management’s goals and for planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these objectives
Middle managers
the informational role managers play when they scan their environment for information
Monitor role
an assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others
Motivation to manage
the decisional role managers play when they negotiate schedules, projects, goals, outcomes, resources, and employee raises
Negotiator role
deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom
determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them
the decisional role managers play when they decide who gets what resources and in what amounts
Resource allocator role
the informational role managers play when they share information with people outside their departments or companies
Spokesperson role
managers responsible for facilitating team activities toward goal accomplishment
Team leaders
the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done
Technical skills
executives responsible for the overall direction of the organization
Top managers