Ch.1 Intro to Nursing Flashcards
Theory of Animism
Good spirits Bright House, evil spirits brought sickness and death. Roles of nurse and position separate and distinct. Position as a medicine man and a nurse as a caring mother
What is Florence nightingale most known for?
She challenged prejudices against women and elevated the status of our nurses. She also established the first training school for nurses and wrote books about healthcare and nursing education.
What turning point happened in WW2 for nurses?
Large numbers of women worked outside the home and became more independent and assertive. An explosion in medicine and technology broadened the role of nurses. The growth of nursing as a professional discipline began
_____ ____ changed the roles of nurses and of women in general.
social reforms
Scientific data to base on illnesses symptoms etc.
Contributions of Florence Nightingale
Identify personal needs of patient and role of nurse and meeting them.
Established standards for hospital management.
Established nursing education and nursing as a respected occupation for women.
Recognize the two components of nursing, Health and illness.
Established nursing education.
Believe that nursing is separate and distinct from medicine.
Recognize that attrition is important to health.
Stressed the need for continuing education for nurses.
Maintained accurate records and recognize the beginning of nursing research.
Definitions of nursing
Promotion of health, prevention of illness, and collaborative care. The optimization of health and abilities.Alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response.Advocacy in the care of individuals families groups etc. Patient is a central focus of all definitions!
State of optima functioning
What are the four blended competencies?
Cognitive, technical, interpersonal, and ethical/legal
legal laws, do’s and dont’s
What is the nurse’s aim?
To promote health, and prevent illness, restore health, and facilitate coping with disability or death.
Promoting health
Identifying, analyzing, and maximizing each patient’s individual strengths as components of preventing illness
What are factors that can affect ones health?
Gentic, age, gender, ethinictiy, education, lifestyle, environment, etc.
Preventing illness
Sounds Like prenatal care or smoking cessation programs Or stress-reducing seminars. Also health assessments or Physical exams annually in clinics or institutions. Information obtained or from anywhere else.
Restoring health
Performing assessments that detect an illness. Referring abnormal findings to other healthcare providers. Providing direct care to the person whose. Planning, teaching, and caring out rehabitation for illnesses.
Facilitating coping with disability and death
This is when you either help the patient adjusts to new circumstances for example above the knee amputation or recent stroke.This is also where you provide and care such as hospice programs. This is where you treat chronic illnesses and diagnosis.
nurse practice act
Define legal scope of nursing practice.
The nursing process
This is one of the major guidelines for nursing practice. It helps nurses identify their roles and integrates art and science in nursing. Allows critical thinking and clinical reasoning. Also Remember ADPIE
Assesment Diagnosing Planning Implementing Evaluation
What is ADPIE used for ?
Nursing process
Early signs of fatigue in nursing?
Fatigue, secondary trauma stress, frustration, loss of satisfaction, Complications or problems.