Ch.1 Emergence of Modern Europe Flashcards
Pope Boniface VIII
r. 1294-1303
Bull Clericos Laicos prohibits taxation of clergy without papal approval
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
r. 1519-1556
Queen Isabella
r. 1474-1504
Pope Gregory XI
r. 1370-1378
King Charles VIII of France
r. 1483-1498
The Hundred Years’ War ends
Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy
r. 1467-1477
John Wycliffe
c. 1328-1384
Louis XI becomes King of France
Pope Leo X
r. 1513-521
King Francis I
r. 1515-1547
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy
r. 1419-1467
Pope Boniface VIII issues the bull Unam Sanctam
King Louis XII
r. 1498-1515
During the Great Schism, there are two, and even three, rival claimants to the papacy
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
r. 1493-1519
King Philip II of Spain
r. 1556-1598